Sentences with phrase «uncomfortable conversations at»

We are now not afraid of having uncomfortable conversations at our team meetings.

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If you mess things up at the start, you'll soon enough get to that awful and uncomfortable conversation where someone will ask you about one of the new hires and you'll say «I don't know» or «the jury's still out.»
At work, too often managers or co-workers assume someone is on the same page, are too busy to check back with them or try to avoid a possible uncomfortable «level setting» conversation.
Tom's presence at church has been a test of my faith — the ever - present question mark that has not let me accept easy answers and avoid uncomfortable conversations.
when people would find out through conversation that I was breast feeding him at 2 and a half they would make very rude and uncomfortable remarks.
I'd also like to add something else to that conversation, and that's that if you don't like breastfeeding in public or feel uncomfortable doing it at the DMV or doctor's office or in an Olive Garden, that's okay too.
after being in this kind of relationship for all this years you start to question everything about yourself you think you must be too fat or too ugly for a few years I thought what was the point in leaving him if my own husband doesn't want who else is going to want me I must of had the conversation about how our situation was affecting me over 1000 times when he did bother to come near me like once every 5 - 8 months he'd say it wasn't enjoyable for him because I was very awkward but he never understood the reason I was uncomfortable how are you supposed to feel good about yourself when you know your husband would rather look at other women online
We have to understand when he is uncomfortable with strangers, friends, or acquaintances that we may have to remove him from the situation when it has become too taxing, whether or not we fee like ending the conversation or leaving at that point.
We must create more safe, trusting, loving spaces where white and black people can have conversations that may be uncomfortable at the beginning but will end in hugs and friendships.
But most of us aren't skilled at starting conversations we deem uncomfortable — mostly because we aren't used to having these discussions and haven't thought through what we want to say.
If she seems uncomfortable talking about it over an after - dinner drink at the restaurant, just tell her you will continue the conversation in a more intimate setting later on.
A clear benefit of museums is that, if ever there is an uncomfortable lull in the conversation, either of you can simply look at the wall right next to you, and share some of your thoughts about the artistic piece that you're looking at.
You don't need to stare, or act uncomfortable, simply look at your date's eyes when making conversation or slight glances, just to let them know you are interested.
JP: The conversation about race is so uncomfortable and disheartening at times.
At the annual family party, Chris faces further uncomfortable conversations as the guests compliment his physique, ask embarrassing questions, and share that they've always liked Tiger Woods.
And the fact that over 80 percent of American teachers are white underscores how uncomfortable conversations about race can be at school — but also how necessary.
The conversation, while at times uncomfortable made me feel positive as I was pleased with the way I engaged.
This is about using the tremendous leverage of the federal government to force some really blunt conversations at the state and district level, the kinds of conversations that make people uncomfortable and often lead to political paralysis.
An innocuous comment, sometimes not even directed at that person, in an environment where everyone is too familiar with others has spurned some very uncomfortable conversations with otherwise nice people who never had any ill intentions.
Rather than reactionary opportunism, the Samsøñ exhibition provides a space to engage in careful and urgent — and at times uncomfortableconversations about pervasive white problems.
If you're a coal lobbyist like Jeff Holmstead, getting stuck in an elevator with Greenpeace activists is an inconvenient occupational hazard, especially if you then can't find a cab and cars are honking at your during an uncomfortable conversation about your work to attack pollution laws.
A couple of the judges didn't perceive the meeting the same way as the above judge but agreed that though the conversation may have been uncomfortable at times, it was a lesser evil than not having a seat at the table at all.
Conversations about sex and intimacy can be uncomfortable at first.
John Gottman, one of the world's leading relationship psychologists, said there are four components to getting good at these uncomfortable conversations:
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