Sentences with phrase «uncomfortable fact»

Even so, it's a slightly uncomfortable fact for Audi — and worth thinking about for potential buyers — that the Polo and its Skoda Fabia and SEAT Ibiza sister cars are more closely matched to the A1 in real quality terms than you might think.
As a Holocaust fable, I guess it gets a message across, but I'm not sure for whom or what exactly that message is: maybe, tell your children the truth, don't try to protect them from uncomfortable facts?
Jones has noted that «Such continued physical presence -LSB-...] of a partial story confirms uncomfortable facts about contemporary struggles for power and privilege.»
The results showed that the self - affirming drills increased participants» willingness to accept uncomfortable facts.
Turning to today's crisis, Trump will have to reckon with several uncomfortable facts.
I'm now convinced that all it takes to be «controversial» or «divisive» in our shared evangelical sub-culture is to relay slightly uncomfortable facts to a moderately sized audience while simultaneously possessing a vagina.
I don't hear people like you b!tching about government / big business wiretaps and the stalking — even murder — of people who are bringing to light certain uncomfortable facts.
Obama administration officials and their progressive supporters used disparate - impact analysis to dodge a discussion about differences in student behavior, which might have brought to the surface other uncomfortable facts.
In this world, where the authority of science and empirical methods is being questioned and where even world leaders may brush aside uncomfortable facts as «fake news», it is increasingly difficult to know whose knowledge to trust.
Factsheets while giving out mandatory information, also try to hide uncomfortable facts.
Despite these rather uncomfortable facts, Callen asserts that the ratings are «solid».
There is a huge push in this nation to try to discredit uncomfortable facts and it seems even the once highly regarded arena of science is falling prey to PR driven reality.
But if it was, I certainly hope that it does not portend a broader willingness to omit uncomfortable facts
The ferocity of his critique blinds Wasserstein to several uncomfortable facts.
Weiss suspected this stemmed from an uncomfortable fact: The beauty industry is all but built on telling women, even subtly, that they aren't good enough.
The uncomfortable fact is that many government contractors do well when the country goes to war.
I wrote that: «It is an uncomfortable fact that for a long time a campaign of hatred and persecution has been waged against those who experience same - sex attractions.»
Their books fly off the Christian bookstore shelves dispensing whatever ad hoc explanation or special pleading might be required to salvage the evangelical belief system from the perils of uncomfortable fact.
When this uncomfortable fact comes up it is usually justified by saying that the highly paid ones are «more skilled.»
With all the talk of the female body clock, and the ticking that gets ever louder after the age of 30, an uncomfortable fact for men too often gets overlooked.
The uncomfortable fact is you can't separate the two.
The problem is that the overlapping causes of Soft Brexit and No Brexit command the support of a comfortable majority of peers - and short of a Tony Benn - style mass creation of new Brexiteer peers, that is going to remain an uncomfortable fact of life for ministers.
The backbencher spoke out as the leaders of Britain's three main political parties woke up to the uncomfortable fact that England had caught up with the devolved nations and now had four main parties.
It is an uncomfortable fact that the soldiers who ran the Nazi death camps and the soldiers who liberated them were all acting under orders from superiors.
The antidepressant Lexapro (escitalopram) may reduce the frequency and severity of hot flashes, the bouts of sweating and overheating that are an uncomfortable fact of life for many menopausal women, a new government - funded study suggests.
We stress and we cry and we worry about the things that scare us and make us feel less in control of the twists on our path, and that's an uncomfortable fact of life.
Dr. Seeman: First, since teaching is a performance art, we must face the uncomfortable fact that the most powerful tool in the classroom is not the blackboard or even the computer, but the teacher's personality.
This is an uncomfortable fact for some because this means that good teacher training requires teachers to look at their feelings, not just their attainment of cognitive knowledge or methods.
People are very good at rationalising their actions and so become exceptional at figuring out reasons why this or that uncomfortable fact doesn't really apply to them, just to others, or how that uncomfortable fact isn't actually a fact because the presenter of said fact isn't from within the industry and so doesn't know better.
I bet that made it a lot harder to forget those uncomfortable facts.
It would have been easier to read it, put it aside, and forget the uncomfortable fact that something horrific was happening in this country.
Murphy discusses guest posting on blogs, press releases and why they don't work, and the uncomfortable fact that more visibility may only make your book fail faster if it isn't ready for public consumption.
Consider these uncomfortable facts from the ASPCA:
A brave Texas veterinarians brought this uncomfortable fact into the limelight some years ago (ref).
All that notwithstanding, we do have the uncomfortable fact that, at the Younger Dryas, SOMETHING (partly involved with THC shutdown) caused a sudden drop in temperatures that, if it happened today, would have very dramatic repercussions.
There is the uncomfortable fact that the denialist / delusionist fringe has no body of work of their own for staffers to write position papers.
From Carl Sagan's magnificent Cosmos episode, «Harmony of the Worlds», about Johannes Kepler, he says of Kepler: «When he found that his long cherished beliefs did not agree with the most precise observations, he accepted the uncomfortable facts.
A reported key finding is «that the society acknowledges the uncomfortable fact that political ideology influences the climate change views of scientists.
The authors conclude that «humanity today, collectively, must face the uncomfortable fact that industrial civilization itself has become the principal driver of global climate.»
We suggest that AMS should: attempt to convey the widespread scientific agreement about climate change; acknowledge and explore the uncomfortable fact that political ideology influences the climate change views of meteorology professionals; refute the idea that those who do hold non-majority views just need to be «educated» about climate change; continue to deal with the conflict among members of the meteorology community.
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