Sentences with phrase «uncomfortable gut symptoms»

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However, gluten allergy symptoms are typically broader than an uncomfortable gut.
Normally, this means natural remedies like nettle tea, healing the gut, and working to reduce exposure to triggers like dust, mold, and pollen before they can cause uncomfortable symptoms.
Although I had a number of uncomfortable and embarrassing gut symptoms, the BRAIN symptoms were the worst part of my struggles.
Whether you suffer from IBS and the not so pleasant symptoms that sometimes come hand - in - hand, or, you're not quite sure what's up with your gut but you're dealing with uncomfortable complaints like bloating, abdominal distension (read: looking 4 - months pregnant when you're not), excess wind, stomach pain, or unpredictable bowel motility, then you're in the RIGHT PLACE.
FODMAP is a scientific acronym that stands for Fermentable Oligosaccharides, Disaccharides, Monosaccharides, and Polyols, which are poorly - absorbed carbohydrates that ferment in the gut causing gas, bloating and uncomfortable IBS - type symptoms.
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