Sentences with phrase «uncomfortable issues in»

For one thing, confronting uncomfortable issues in a marriage, rather than just stuffing them, and then facing up to your own contribution to the problems, requires summoning up courage — always a bracing exercise in what Virginia Satir called the task of people - making.
It also received some international attention, with comments from Canadian public health physician Janet Smylie that racism towards Aboriginal people seeking emergency department treatment is still an uncomfortable issue in Canada.

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PDA's in the office makes others uncomfortable which could lead to moral problems and potential legal issues.
Their looks would be irrelevant if these shoes were uncomfortable, but thankfully comfort isn't an issuein fact, I'd rank these among the most comfortable shoes that I own.
Amid mounting criticism, Caldbeck took a temporary leave of absence, issuing an apology «to those women who I've made feel uncomfortable in any way, at any time.»
It's usually a knee - jerk reaction to some uncomfortable modern issue or in defense of one of the many historical myths children in the mainland are taught as unshakeable facts about the world.
One of the most uncomfortable moments in my life is when Lisa wants to talk with me about an issue in our relationship.
Nonetheless those uncomfortable issues are addressed in the Bible.
But here's the primary reason I'm uncomfortable with this being framed as an equal rights issue: Over half of the complementarians in my church are women.
At the bedside, doctors are uncomfortable about philosophical issues because they get in the way of action.
When the issue came up in a sermon or teaching, I would assume they would be uncomfortable with it and our position.
I do nt think its his knee as much, but more a groin issue, and its something really uncomfortable to play with, i hope he recovers soon, while walcott is a goal threat i think the ox offers more in regards to the team's formAtion.
But since this can be a sensitive issue that some new moms feel uncomfortable with, let's talk about some topics with public breastfeeding so you can breastfeed in public places with confidence!
I would never make an issue about someone else's choice to breast feed just because I don't want to do so in public, but I also have the right to feel uncomfortable about it.
Also, you won't have to face those non-stop crying issues just because your baby is feeling uncomfortable coz when he is inside strollers or cribs provided by us, he will feel like being in a bad.
She notes that if sleep is the biggest issue, you can explore explore alternative ways of getting more sleep, such as nursing in a side - lying position (if you're uncomfortable with co-sleeping, your husband can supervise while baby is nursing) or taking «shifts» at night where you or your husband are responsible for all of the feeding and baby care while the other sleeps a solid chunk.
One of the issues that LLL raised in their response letter, as posted on Trevor's website, is that some women may be uncomfortable receiving breastfeeding support from a man.
The citizen - interrogators generated the most diverse set of questions in any of the presidential debates to date and challenged the candidates to break out of the rhetoric of their campaign speeches and to address sometimes uncomfortable issues, such as race, gender, religion and their own vulnerabilities.
In Westminster, MPs who saw the film didn't forget the problem continues to raise uncomfortable issues.
Offering HIV testing and counseling for breastfeeding, family planning and other issues in the homes of study participants made it twice as likely the male partners — who often report feeling uncomfortable making clinic visits but are key to reducing HIV transmission — would be tested.
Used in conjunction with Western treatments, Eastern medicine offers reliable and extremely safe ways to maintain good prostate health and alleviate the pain and uncomfortable side effects associated with a variety of men's health issues.
As uncomfortable as it is to address issues in the moment, you've got to do it before bed, otherwise you're going to keep looking at that person and literally running into them in the bathroom or kitchen until you figure it out.»
If a marriage is suffering from an untenable red - flag issue, then the underlying mindset of conscious uncoupling — which basically means tending to your own grief and other uncomfortable feelings so that you don't project them onto your partner in the form of retaliatory anger and longterm resentment — is a gentle and responsible way to dissolve a marriage.
Some can eat nightshades while in others that can cause some pretty uncomfortable issues.
In any case, tolerating uncomfortable stomach issues makes life a lot less enjoyable.
The few customers who left reviews mentioned how it caused them issues in the form of uncomfortable heart rate increase.
And in addition to being uncomfortable, these common digestive issues are often early indications of far more serious health problems.
In addition to uncomfortable stomach aches and other GI issues, over time this can lead to food allergies and intolerances as well as thyroid and autoimmune issues.
The tricky issue with diet and SIBO is that any carbohydrate is fair game for a delicious and fermentable meal by the bacteria that are living in your small intestine, and that means uncomfortable gas and bloating for you when they are feasting.
It's not something everyone likes to talk about, but sometimes you've got to be a little uncomfortable in order to fix the issue.
During and post menopause, the estrogen levels tends to drop down in a woman's body triggering uncomfortable symptoms such as mood changes, hot flashes, reduced * bone density resulting in bone health issues and night sweats as well.
There are all sorts of clothing issues that prove distracting and uncomfortable: a skirt that rides up while I walk, blisters from shoes that look nice but feel awful, slippery shoes that I can barely walk in without falling over, a coat that doesn't keep me warm enough, tight undergarments that leave me sweaty and squeezed.
I often have issues with compliments that are meant to be flirty, but can come across as uncomfortable or, in some cases, harassing.
In terms of dating, this means covering issues that are sometimes uncomfortable or controversial.
Don't feel uncomfortable due to issues like weight, scars, and so on as nobody in this world is perfect.
It depends on the couple on how they continue with their conversation but it is important to stay away from personal issues or remarks which could put the other person in an uncomfortable spot.
by Walter Chaw The rare film to encapsulate the macro and the micro with eloquence and no little existential disquiet, Andrew Jarecki's amazing documentary Capturing the Friedmans tackles issues like the nature of film, the slipperiness of memory, and the unreliability of identity in ways that are uncomfortable and prickly.
Released: February 24 Cast: Daniel Kaluuya, Allison Williams, Catherine Keener, Bradley Whitford Director: Jordan Peele Why it's great: Get Out tackles all sorts of uncomfortable social issues, and does so in a playfully freaky, and frequently insightful, fashion.
As weather, isolation, farming matters and health issues enforce an uncomfortable mutual dependency, the dynamic between the two clans increases in complexity.
It steals the «Milkshake» gag from Date Movie — which, correct me if I'm wrong, is a movie already composed entirely of stolen gags from other movies — and it addresses body - image issues in an uncomfortable dialogue wherein a man wearing a Rick Baker - crafted fat - suit assaults stick - thin Thandie Newton for her asexual figure.
But, pressing the issue, Colbert brought the conversation back to the complaints against him, leaving the Ed Sullivan Theater in uncomfortable silence as the fidgeting Franco alternated between stating that Tuesday's allegations were «not accurate» and making vague allusions to needing to «change [his] perspective where it's off.»
Students tell me they can focus better in my room because they aren't uncomfortable, and I have not had any issues of kids falling asleep.
Former adjunct lecturer Betsy Groves, a licensed social worker and founding director of Boston Medical Center's Child Witness to Violence — a program that helps children, parents, and educators in violent communities or domestic violence situations — often hears how adults feel uncomfortable discussing the issue, thereby reinforcing the notion that we shouldn't talk about violence.
This is indicative of a potentially serious issue where minority students, excluding Asian students, have such low numbers as to feel uncomfortable in a population with few ethnically similar students.
Now, I am so short that seat comfort is hardly ever an issue, but the SL's carbon buckets are the most uncomfortable chairs I've ever sat in, and everyone else who drove it agreed.
Parents have reason to be uncomfortable with the idea of their children being handed anything with unrestricted internet access, teachers have plenty of reason to wonder if that same internet access would be abused during school hours while also having doubts that it would be possible to ensure uniform content across entire classes, and the issue of potential theft is an ever - present concern in as poorly funded an organization as your average public school.
What is it that motivates us to make the right choices, to be better in our personal lives and to tackle the serious uncomfortable issues that lead to stress.
In fact, that is probably why Incorrigibles, who militantly discourage discussion of health issues, resort to bully tactics: They make people who point out inconvenient truths sufficiently uncomfortable that they shut up or go away.
I just recommend applying online to avoid any potential issues or uncomfortable situations with a banker and making sure to get that second app in ASAP to combine the inquiries.
While there were quite a few other divers in the area, it wasn't so swamped as to be annoying or uncomfortable, so hopefully you won't have any major issues with that.
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