Sentences with phrase «uncommon condition»

Since leukemia is a relatively uncommon condition in dogs; unfortunately most cases are usually not properly diagnosed due to the non specific symptoms and the required complicated laboratory studies.
He discusses the many options available based on research for common and also more uncommon conditions you may encounter.
These are the three most important conditions although there are a number of uncommon conditions included in the term.
An unneutered bitch is at risk from developing a life - threatening and not uncommon condition called pyometra - a potentially fatal infection of the uterus which fills with pus.
«The most likely condition being referenced is a rather uncommon condition called galactosemia,» Sproat says.
The relatively uncommon condition can cause a person to feel dizzy and lose their sense of balance.
Dr. Chris Habib, ND & Dr. Lara Spector, ND address a not - so - uncommon condition called Interstitial Cystitis (IC).
Constipation is an uncommon condition among individuals.
The finding hints that chimps, like humans, experience some form of synaesthesia, an uncommon condition in which the senses become intertwined, says Vera Ludwig, a cognitive neuroscientist at Charité Medical University in Berlin, Germany, who led a study published this week in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences1.
He points out that NHS England's guidance «makes it clear that GPs are expected to care for people with gender dysphoria just as for any other group with an uncommon condition easily managed with a joint care model.»
This uncommon condition is called the piriformis syndrom, and it's considered to be an uncommon neuromuscular disorder caused when the piriformis muscle compesses the sciatic nerve.
Gynecomastia is not an uncommon condition and it can be caused by different things.
Fatty liver disease, once a relatively uncommon condition, has reached epidemic proportions in many parts of the world.
Gluten intolerance is not an uncommon condition.
Diabetes mellitus is not related to diabetes insipidus, an uncommon condition that occurs when the kidneys are unable to regulate fluids in the body.
Cutaneous (reactive) histiocytosis is an uncommon condition of dogs.
Nobody is quite sure of the exact cause of this uncommon condition but hormonal imbalance is a strong probability.
Anal sac adenocarcinoma is an uncommon condition affecting older dogs that can cause tumors to grow on the anal sacs.
Last year's symposium featured topics including CPR, triage, uncommon conditions that require surgical intervention, IDDs, the future of veterinary medicine, feline lower urinary disease management, pacemaker therapy, and supporting behavior patient management throughout the hospital.
While not an uncommon condition, Mica's case was severe.
Munchausen by proxy syndrome (MBPS) is a relatively uncommon condition that involves the exaggeration or fabrication of climate illnesses or symptoms by a primary caretaker (scientist).
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