Sentences with phrase «uncomplicated vaginal delivery»

You know, if you've had a few uncomplicated vaginal deliveries and you're otherwise a good candidate, then I don't have a problem with homebirth with a qualified RM / CNM / etc.
At the Phoenix hospital Joy gave birth to her fourth son Marcus Anthony in an «uncomplicated vaginal delivery
Critics claim that it is high because doctors make money from C - sections (false, most obstetricians get paid the same amount regardless of how the baby is delivered) or because it is more convenient for obstetricians (false, nothing is more convenient than every patient having an uncomplicated vaginal delivery).
More women are being released one day after an uncomplicated vaginal delivery and three days after a C - section.
* With an uncomplicated vaginal delivery, you can begin within hours of giving birth.
On December 5, their son Marcus Anthony was born in Phoenix via an uncomplicated vaginal delivery, weighing seven pounds and 13 ounces.
If you had an uncomplicated vaginal delivery, it's generally safe to begin exercising a few days after giving birth or as soon as you feel ready.
To me, «natural childbirth» always meant maximizing my chances of having an uncomplicated vaginal delivery - I choose to go without pain meds and hired a doula in hopes that doing so would help acheive that goal.
After an uncomplicated vaginal delivery, you're likely to stay in the hospital for 24 to 48 hours.
And this was just for a standard, uncomplicated vaginal delivery.
«That said, we do nt know who will wind up having an uncomplicated vaginal delivery
«Unequivocally, I can state that the safest method is an uncomplicated vaginal delivery,» says Catherine Spong, MD, chief of the pregnancy and perinatology branch of the Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development in Bethesda, Maryland.
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