Sentences with word «unconfessed»

All Catholics, priest and bishops included, need to examine themselves before receiving Holy Communion and, if aware of unconfessed grave sin, should refrain from receiving the sacrament before receiving sacramental absolution.
I believe that we have sin that can not go unconfessed for long that God always comes for is when we stray and that ultimately we never stop wanting Him to from the day we are supernaturally recreated by the Spirit of the living God.
Nobody believes that isolation and humiliation reform criminals, just as nobody really believes that a cleansing fire burns away unconfessed sins in purgatory, yet without any plausible alternatives to humiliation or fire, the healing effect of punishment remains as mysterious for the Church as it does for the judicial system.
Our culture harbors a sense — not so much unconfessed as unformulated — that the true mark of Christian faith is an inclination to doubt and even deny its own truth.
This is very hard to do, but it is much more damaging to live with unconfessed sin in your heart.
The way in which unconfessed guilt corrodes the spirit and erodes the physical health of a man was described vividly by the psalmist:
I disagree with you, Jeremy, on your statement that unconfessed sin breaks fellowship.
Friend, your problem is unconfessed sin and spiritual rebellion.
For centuries those who committed the unconfessed and therefore unforgivable sin of suicide were not buried in cemeteries that Catholic priests had consecrated.
God of the meek and mild, God of the reckless and the wild God of the unreconciled, I come to you God of our life and death God of our secrets unconfessed God of our every breath, I come to you
Many people wrongly believe that if you die with unrepented and unconfessed sin in your life, God will not let you into heaven.
Some kind of religion - police pointing out your violation such as lack of faith, not prayerful enough or having unconfessed sins.
Unconfessed is rambling, circular and sometimes confusing; but it's also a lyrical, powerful and important piece of writing.
Inspired by actual 19th - century court records, Unconfessed is a breathtaking literary tour de force.
Unconfessed is an epic novel that connects the reader to the unimaginable through the force of poetry and a far - reaching imagination.
Unconfessed is her first novel, following a collection of poetry, Castaway, published in 1999.
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