Sentences with phrase «unconscious dynamics»

I hold our relationship, the unconscious dynamics between members of the couple, and the couples — experiences, identities, struggles, successes and strengths — in the context of each persons social - culutral - familiar locations in society.
Yet, there are insidious unconscious dynamics that are powerful and can cause blind spots.
Through couples therapy the unconscious dynamics can be brought to light and worked through.
My supervisor also encouraged me to stretch myself, and helped me become more attuned to unconscious dynamics playing out in the therapeutic work.
If it is that God is inserting thoughts into a person's mind how does the person know whether the thought insertions are from God or whether they are just as a result of the unconscious dynamics of the person's brain?
Does god make it explicitly, unambiguously clear which of the person's thoughts or which of the things that person hears or sees are coming from him or which of these things are just the result of the unconscious dynamics of the person's brain?
It seems to me that God needs to be up front, explicit, unambiguous, clear and direct and tell persons when it is just the unconscious dynamics of their brains at work or when it is actually him who is trying to show them a sign or tell them something / communicate with them.

Not exact matches

Why is it better to talk about a probability that is an actual state of a body (which in the sleeping state is presumably not the same as waking), than to talk about the dynamics of a telic being which, at the personal level, is to be understood in terms of activity - potentials by which it maintains itself at conscious, unconscious, and self - conscious levels?
«While we can never determine which particular shootings were inspired by unconscious ideation, this analysis helps us understand aspects of the complex dynamics that can underlie these events.»
When fully understood and applied, this can reveal underlying unconscious expressive states which can transform relationship dynamics.
«Identifying and understanding the typical play themes of young children enable the family counselor to assess children's emotional needs, family dynamics as seen through the eyes of the child, and unconscious conflicts that may be influencing the child's current behaviors «(Green et al., 2009 p. 312).
By pairing us with an «Imago match» — an individual who is like our caretakers in emotionally significant ways — our unconscious drives us to re-create our childhood psychological dynamics in an attempt to heal the central wounds we carry.
Identify unconscious developmental themes that have the potential to fuel reactive dynamics in couples.
First, there is a very special and unusual complementary dynamic in intimate, committed relationships that emerges most clearly when the couple is seen together and it is very important that couples learn to deeply understand the unconscious processes that got them together and the underlying dynamics that make relationships so painful and confusing at times.
Without insight, conflicts and the unconscious drives dynamics and behaviors lead to anxiety and mood problems, acting out, addictions, self - destructive patterns and unhappiness.
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