Sentences with phrase «unconscious feeling»

A judge's own emotional issues — such as conscious or unconscious feelings about what might be the effect of such offences on her own children — could come into play.
Increasing awareness of the impact of these past experiences and of our conscious and unconscious feelings helps us change.
Whitehead is a radical empiricist who understands human experience as a unity of largely unconscious feelings of the body and its environment.
As the living person draws upon a wider bodily experience, so the conscious ego, if there should be one at a particular moment, draws upon a vast ocean of unconscious feeling which sustains it.
Although unconscious feeling is the stuff of nature for Whitehead, his theory of «appearance» is one of the things which brings home the splendor of his philosophy — and that even as this theory emphasizes the fusion of conceptual feeling with physical nature.
(Happiness, by itself, is not an adequate criterion for measuring mental health because some people defend themselves against unconscious feeling of despair by a facade of «happiness.»
The more the preacher is lacking in self - awareness, the more he will project unconscious feelings and images through the sermon, with distorting effects on the Christian message.
Grief may be at play here and conscious or unconscious feelings for the lost son.
If I say that this post is about «unconscious feelings toward romantic partners,» you'd probably think that I'm about to serve up a big plate of Freud with a side of some repressed memories.
In marriage therapy, often each person is unknowingly «putting» on their spouse unconscious feelings they have about themselves and / or past experiences.
He believes in letting his subconscious reveal itself through brushstrokes, commenting: «I savour slips of the hand that express one's unconscious feelings about the person being painted» — a risqué strategy when painting politicians!
While adoption is often the best solution available to a challenging problem, these words fail to address the emotional difficulties adoptees may experience, including conscious and unconscious feelings of loss, shame, and abandonment.
Whitehead did not speculate on the precise location of memory within the animal organism, but the most plausible extension of his theory suggests rather that memories are maintained for the soul by other occasions, thereby freeing the soul for its adventure into novelty.2 The way in which the conscious ego draws upon the ocean of unconscious feeling which sustains it may well reflect the way the soul draws upon other living occasions.
Weber describes the unconscious feeling of a brand as its unique «fantasy.»
Rather, slight almost imperceptible changes in your accent to mirror your opponent in the negotiation can create an unconscious feeling of familiarity with you without the other side even realizing it, to the extent that it can, and often does, assist in the negotiation of a deal.
This unconscious feeling would have to retain the experience in all of the richness and individuality with which it is now recalled.
And he advances a striking thesis about consciousness: it is that indefinable quality which emerges when a positive but unconscious feeling of a nexus as given fact is integrated with a propositional feeling about the nexus, originated by the mental pole.
From the subjective viewpoint they can be thought of as throbs of unconscious feeling or emotion.
Few today would argue that the emotions of which we are conscious exhaust our emotional life or can be explained without reference to the ebb and flow of unconscious feeling.
We ourselves have both conscious and unconscious feelings, the latter sometimes being referred to as the subconscious.
Just as our conscious human experience unconsciously feels the unconscious feelings of the cells of the brain and achieves a unity of its own life of feeling, so the Totality that is God feels our feelings in the unity of perfect experience.
Since young children are not capable of some of the more commonly used Freudian techniques such as free association, Klein began to utilize play therapy as a way to investigate children's unconscious feelings, anxieties, and experiences.
That conscious or unconscious feeling that one is not as good as others is dangerous.
When we are hurt emotionally, our ego is disturbed, the unconscious feels threat to the survival.
What do you think this says about his unconscious feelings?
I savor the slips of the hand that express one's unconscious feelings.
In sum, Gottlieb's art was the conscious expression of his unconscious feelings
One can divide painting abstracted into two groups: - on the one hand the geometric abstraction characterized at the beginning by the suprematism of Malévitch in Russia and the constructivism of Piet Mondrian in Holland, - and on the other hand, the abstracted expressionnism in which form and color are often posed arbitrarily while expressing the unconscious feelings and emotions of the painter.
The purpose in this short paper is to question the Collaborative Couple Therapy notion of leading - edge feeling — the idea that at a given moment there's a single such feeling rather than a nexus of feelings or, in psychodynamic terms, conscious feelings underneath which lurk hierarchies of unconscious feelings.
When we talk about developing a fuller, deeper understanding of marriage, many people automatically think of unconscious feelings or repressed experiences.
Rest assured, I'm not going to get all «dreams and cigars» on you, but new research, published in the journal Science1 suggests that our unconscious feelings about our partners might be the Magic 8 - Ball when it comes to future marriage satisfaction.
Overcome anxiety and depression by becoming aware of unconscious feelings and how your brain works.
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