Sentences with phrase «unconventional monetary policy easing»

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Central banks had eased monetary policy aggressively, including taking short - term interest rates to near zero in several cases, and some were considering or implementing «unconventional» measures to deliver additional stimulus.
As the Great Recession set in, the Fed dropped its interest rate target to close to zero, and then was forced to use unconventional monetary policy tools including quantitative easing.
Third, in response to slower growth and lower inflation (owing partly to lower commodity prices), the world's major central banks pursued another round of unconventional monetary easing: lower policy rates, forward guidance, quantitative easing (QE), and credit easing.
One of its most controversial has been the use of so - called unconventional monetary policy, chiefly three rounds of quantitative easing (or QE, beautifully explained in this clip) from 2008 to 2014.
Yet this isn't the first time in the present campaign that the Conservatives themselves have trespassed on traditional Bank of Canada terrain. On July 22 Joe Oliver publicly rejected the use of quantitative easing in Canada (the unconventional credit - expanding strategy that has been used successfully in the US, the UK, and now Europe) despite dimming economic projections here. Decisions about the use of QE should, in theory, be the purview of the central bank. Several economists publicly questioned Oliver's statement, noting that it throws into question the Bank's future decisions on monetary policy.
And it highlights that Japan was suffering deflation and undertaking unconventional monetary policy, with few, if any, observers imagining that effectively - zero policy rates and quantitative easing would be seen across all of the major jurisdictions in the 2000s.
Central banks have been undertaking a programme, known as unconventional monetary policy, called quantitative easing (QE).
By December 2007, the Fed turned to unconventional monetary policy tools, including credit easing, quantitative easing, policy duration commitment, and payment of interest on reserves (see the appendix for details).
By December 2007, the Fed turned to unconventional monetary policy tools, including credit easing, quantitative easing, policy duration commitment, and payment of interest on reserves (see the appendix for details).
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