Sentences with phrase «unconvincing moments»

Here, it's set aside, with hasty and unconvincing moments of Caston and Claire flirting like teenagers or holding hands like schoolchildren at times when such behavior seems awkward, given the intensely personal nature of Caston's obsession.
AMERICAN HISTORY X An interesting and for the most part honest presentation of a difficult subject, this film about a young man who becomes the leader of a neo-Nazi gang is hampered by a banal ending and some unconvincing moments.
Unfortunately, it is in the film's final scenes where I did find some unconvincing moments.
For up close and personal drama it is pretty good comedy (better than Berry's Oscar acceptance speech) and there are other unconvincing moments like these.

Not exact matches

Both have been unconvincing and largely uninspiring in their victories, and at moments profoundly shambolic in defeat.
Admittedly, A Few Good Men has its occasional moments, but is still marred by some lacking screenwriting by first - timer Aaron Sorkin (Malice, The American President) from his play, and unconvincing turns of events.
(The one misstep in the film's progress comes in an unconvincing Elephant Man moment with an especially shy pickup.)
The multiplayer is packed with many features, including the return of an unconvincing Commander and imposing Levolution moments.
Other characters exist only to die moments later, unconvincing motivation for the surrogate protagonist.
Pricing rumors are still wildly unconvincing at the moment, but we hope OnePlus» upcoming device isn't more expensive than its predecessor.
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