Sentences with phrase «uncorrected proof]»

Thus when an experienced pilot made a mistake, it often went uncorrected and that sometimes lead to a crash.
Her broker stood by her errors that remained uncorrected and attacked me personally for «asking too many questions.»
Group contrasts for continuous measures relied on unpaired t tests, uncorrected χ2 for dichotomous variables, and Fisher exact tests when expected cell frequencies were less than 5.
The statistical threshold used for these data was first set to p < 0.005 (one - tailed, uncorrected) at the individual voxel level.
An interaction effect of priming, attachment style and valence emerged in two clusters [p < 0.005, k > 20, uncorrected; peak voxel coordinates: -LRB--33,51,0) and (24,63,9); peak Z scores = 3.79 and 3.40].
A probe and the containing promoter were called differentially methylated if the p - value of the probe t - statistic was at most 0.05 (uncorrected for multiple testing), log2-fold change between the groups was at least 0.25, and the false discovery rates (FDR) of the promoter - level statistic was at most 0.2.
Although popular articles with inaccuracies are likely to be quickly corrected, less popular articles can go uncorrected for months.
A skid that goes uncorrected most often becomes a spin.
According to the uncorrected slip opinion, it rather appears that Mr. Schwartz saw the lawsuit as an excuse to withhold rent for a very longtime.
While such a right might need a tight constraint on the range of published items that are subject to an «order to forget», there are probably some classes of item that many people would agree should be «forgotten», e.g., proven defamation (away from the context of that proof), or even run - of - the - mill newspaper stories that have been corrected (i.e., maybe the uncorrected version should be «forgotten»).
As the Appeal Court noted, «The trial judge found that the magnitude of the total number of defective camshafts, which the appellant allowed to pass uncorrected during his shift, taken together with his subsequent dishonesty about them, was the culminating event that formed the primary basis for his dismissal for cause.»
Oxygen loss can stem from several different problems, including uncorrected issues with the umbilical cord, damage that occurs to the placenta, or from when the fetus becomes stuck in the birth canal.
While Bill C - 11 proposed an appeal to counterbalance possible mistakes in a faster system, Bill C - 31's new combination of further accelerated timelines with more restrictive access to an appeal will mean that many mistakes will go uncorrected, risking the lives of refugees.
In these cases, the surgeon who performed the surgery and allowed the symptoms to go on uncorrected — either due to not ordering follow - up tests, examinations, abdominal x-rays or CT scans or even ignoring a patient coming into the office and complaining of abdominal pain following a surgery — is liable for the medical expenses incurred and quality of life issues inherited by the patients they have injured.
This is easier if you can point to documented work product problems which were uncorrected after your reviews.
«The court must make an evaluative judgment whether it would be unconscionable, or unjust, to leave the mistake uncorrected, and form a judgment about the justice of the case.»
As regards the correction of mistakes by construction, the Court of Appeal rejected the idea that such correction is a separate process from construing the uncorrected words, holding instead that such correction of mistakes is simply one facet of the task of «the court of construction».
Having a full appeal on the merits is critical for refugee rights: an error at the first instance that goes uncorrected can mean that a refugee is sent back to face persecution or even death.
I would also observe that this data is uncorrected for urban heat island effects (as cities urbanize they get hotter, and effect that is different than CO2 - cause global warming and is usually corrected for in global warming studies).
[11] A lot of media has reported the uncorrected data results [12] and even though the revised corrected data appeared in 2008, many articles and arguments still use and promote the uncorrected data results from 2006.
There is a much greater risk, that the final report contains errors or statements that are still unbalanced and that then will remain uncorrected.
Leaving blatant inconsistencies uncorrected is highly damaging to a site's credibility.
For instance, the response time for sensors in radiosondes (that are used to track atmospheric profiles of temperature and humidity) has steadily improved which, if uncorrected for in the reanalyses, would lead to an erroneous drying in the upper troposphere that has nothing to do with any actual climate trend.
The effect on global temperature (the left side of the figure; see larger GIF) was of order one - thousandth of a degree, so the corrected and uncorrected curves are indistinguishable.
«One of the most significant differences of the Pliocene GM CORR simulations, compared with those of the uncorrected model, is the characteristic of the meridional overturning in the Atlantic Ocean.
Removing these uncorrected errors is a major focus of all satellite and radiosonde data providers at this point.
I have been unable to ascertain as yet whether that simulation was run using the uncorrected or the corrected ocean module code.
However, detailed statistical analyses of the available satellite data (RSS, UMd, UAH) since 1979 and of radiosonde data (HadAT, RATPAC, RICH, and IUK) since about 1959 has revealed that there are significant errors and uncorrected biases in all datasets.
Their term «uncorrected instrumental biases» implies that those biases are somehow correctable, to the point of zero uncertainty, that's where they go wrong.
It uses uncorrected data, not Hadcrut.
We argue that the abrupt temperature drop of 0.3 C in 1945 is the apparent result of uncorrected instrumental biases in the sea surface temperature record.
``... The researchers found that the uncorrected temperature data correlated strongly with data on movements of Earth's core and Earth's length of day until about 1930.
Based primarily upon the range of urban minus rural adjusted dataset comparisons and the degree of agreement of these products with a broad range of reanalysis products, it is unlikely that any uncorrected urban heat - island effects and LULC change effects have raised the estimated centennial globally averaged LSAT trends by more than 10 % of the reported trend (high confidence, based on robust evidence and high agreement).
But the gradual growth of nearby trees between such cutting might also introduce an apparent cooling trend which remains uncorrected for.
Simply dumping uncorrected, uncalibrated, or inaccurate measurements into the pool of data does not make things clearer.
Gore's movie remains uncorrected.
This is wrong, as what the climate system sees is the ACTUAL uncorrected GCR flux, undermining his claims.
How long does an error everyone participating in the discussion knows about get to stay uncorrected?
In striking contrast, a nearly perfect linear correlation with coefficients as high as 0.96 - 0.97 is found between corrected or uncorrected global surface temperature and total amount of stratospheric halogenated gases during 1970 - 2012.
Finally, I was aware of this mistake by Mann already in early 2009 (when it was uncorrected even in Mann's site), but I had simply forgotten it until this Marcott incident happened.
I suspect it's an uncorrected anomaly in common satellite - based data.
Ultimately he is responsible for the shocking number of uncorrected errors and falsehoods in his newspaper.
If you have substantial evidence that the uncorrected record of a locale is exceptionally reliable, you can change the algorithm by fiat: reduce the size of the variance estimate of that site.
How do we get an accurate surface temperature for the United States (and the world) when the raw data is full of uncorrected biases and the adjusted data does little more than smear those station biases around when infilling occurs?
And even in problems where it's impractical to systematically do the corrections or sharpen the integration grid to reach an accurate answer, knowing the uncorrected first order result can be helpful for understanding the problem.
The story «stands uncorrected,» Mr. North stated, though he presented no evidence to support his claims that Dr. Pachauri had earned millions of dollars from consulting and other ventures since becoming the head of the United Nations panel.
There is an excursion of up to 7 m / s in the period matched by the uncorrected temperature blip during WWII with, IIRC, a neat decreasing sequence from North Atlantic to South Pacific.
Using the corrected global mean sea level time series, Dieng et al. (2017) and Chen et al. (2017) found improved closure of the sea level budget compared to the uncorrected data.
So what comes out of this test is that the AO climate model driven by a bias - adjusted SST record with reduced variations, produces better land temp estimates than when it is driven by «uncorrected» SST containing stronger long term variability.
Interestingly, they also write, comparing results from the corrected (GM CORR) and uncorrected model (GM UNCOR):
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