Sentences with phrase «under better control»

Let's talk about what might have gone wrong and some things that you can try to get your symptoms under better control.
Patients with diabetes are considered to be under good control if they can keep their levels below seven percent.
These products are designed to prevent the dog from pulling at the leash, keeping you comfortable and keeping your canine companion under better control on your daily walks.
For example, if a big dog has jumped your pup or dog, find people with big dogs under good control and pass them repeatedly at a distance comfortable for your dog.
In the remaining years of their 30s, they were able to get their finances under better control.
Occasionally, the curve may show you cat's glucose is under good control when it isn't.
Many triggers are able to be avoided, therefore helping you get your illness under better control.
If you have that combination, both need to be under good control if you want reasonable insurance rates.
Last but not least, a big role in getting your dog under better control is to increase your bond with your dog.
The study, published in the June 23 online edition of Annals of Internal Medicine, reinforces what many doctors are already telling women with lupus: If you plan for pregnancy and get your symptoms under the best control possible, your chances of a healthy pregnancy are high.
Other tips to help get your child's portion sizes under better control, both at home and when you eat out, include that you:
If your HbA1c is higher than this, you would benefit from getting your blood glucose under better control before you conceive to reduce the risk of complications for you and your baby.
I will have to say farewell to this cleanser until I can get my acne under better control.
If the symptoms continue, a cortisone injection may be used to bring the inflammation under better control and ease your pain.
This great lower chest exercise is very demanding on the shoulders, even if done under good control and without bottoming out.
Taking a look at the rising problem of teacher cheating on tests of achievement, Brian Jacob and Steven Levitt have come up with an estimate of the extent of the problem in Chicago and have designed a technique that will help to bring the problem under better control.
When you complete CGC training, you will have a canine companion who responds to core commands such as sit and down and who remains under good control on a leash.
Leading up to his surgery, our staff worked closely with the team at Claremont Veterinary Hospital to get Huey's bladder under better control.
Make headway on the essentials list everyday and when you finally feel like you have those daily tasks under better control, let yourself move on to the extras (or enlist help to make progress on your secondary list!).
We need to make sure each risk factor is under the best control possible to reduce future problems.»
«I typically encourage exercise in my patients with asthma as long as they can tolerate it and have their symptoms under good control
Household debt is under better control, and house and stock market values have recovered very nicely.
If his ADHD symptoms are under good control and he isn't having any side effects, then he is likely on the right medication, even if it isn't a standard or «first line «medication for ADHD.
It's best to carefully plan pregnancies and ensure that the diabetes is under good control, because high sugars can cause an increased chance of birth defects.»
If you're having significant discomfort and doing long workouts that involve running or jumping, modify your routine for a few weeks until the symptoms are under better control.
Even if your diabetes is under good control, it is important to note that other factors will be considered when determining your diabetes life insurance rate.
When pain and inflammation are under good control, your pet can become more active, improve muscle tone, build strength and lose weight.
Earning the title means your dog is under good control and is safe around people and other dogs.
Whichever method is used, the dog must not pull the owner and must be under good control.
I feel my dog is under better control than most dogs at the end of their 6 - foot leashes.
Fructosamine should be within near - normal values if your pet's diabetes is under good control.
Most insurance companies will rate you at standard non tobacco, even if the apnea is under good control, but if you apply to Pruco Life Insurance, you'll have a fair shot at a Preferred rate, assuming you can otherwise qualify.
While you may not get the same rates as superman if you happen to be a type 2 diabetic, good, reasonable rates are still available if you take care of yourself and have your diabetes, whether type 1 or type 2, under good control.
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