Sentences with phrase «under conditions of uncertainty»

Finally, we will need the courage to innovate, letting go of the comfort of an existing system and working under conditions of uncertainty toward a better one.
This weighing machine is continually adapting to new information under conditions of uncertainty and complexity.
Reflecting Rowan «s (1990) expectations for organic management under conditions of uncertainty, Tannenbaum also hypothesized that organizational effectiveness will be related to: (a) more democratic, and (b) more polyarchic forms of control.
According to Wikipedia, strategy is from the Greek word meaning «art of troop leader; office of general, command, generalship» and is defined as: a high - level plan to achieve one or more goals under conditions of uncertainty.
«Military and intelligence organizations have the most experience in strategic planning under conditions of uncertainty.
Students learn that good lawyers are problem - solvers who help others achieve their goals, often under conditions of uncertainty.
In making such decisions under conditions of uncertainty (Ruth Macklin calls them conditions of ignorance), the construction of best - possible and worst - possible scenarios will probably depend in no small part on the basic orientation of the individuals constructing them.
Chris Costello works in this realm, focusing on the economics of environmental regulation and natural resource management under conditions of uncertainty (inaccurate, unavailable, or contradictory information), with a particular emphasis on the value and effect of information on management decisions.
Yet likening the postmenopausal woman's situation to plotting a route through a traffic - clogged city, the authors rather glibly conclude that «life is full of choices made under conditions of uncertainty».
It is far more difficult to remain rational and execute it under conditions of uncertainty and real - world pressures.
Policy analysis and implementation will be extremely challenging given the nonconvexities in the human - environment system (109) that will be enhanced by tipping elements, as well as the need to handle intergenerational justice and interpersonal equity over long periods and under conditions of uncertainty (110).
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