Sentences with phrase «under examination»

I think you'd agree that the period under examination is too short to condemn the strategy.
However, there is no significant temporal structure at lags with any biological relevance to the hypotheses under examination.
Meanwhile, contradictory and wild claims are made for the characteristics and actions of Christian god, that themselves prove under examination that such a god does not exist.
The result, after the calculations have been cleared of residual «noise,» offers a close estimate of the trajectory of the source of sound under examination.
Depending on the light spectrum used and the organism under examination, these can now deliver better - quality images.
Because of tissue limitations for the multiple parameters under examination, not all analyses could be performed in all cases.
During and after reading, it enhances discussion of texts and helps students master concepts that seem simple but become more complex under examination.
Researchers should also continue to expand the set of countries and settings under examination.
I think you'd agree that the period under examination is too short to condemn the strategy.
Any company that is not currently under examination by the IRS is permitted to file for approval to make a change.
Special - case scenarios come under examination in sessions with Nancy Davidoff Kelton on «Writing from Personal Experience,» and with Susan Shapiro and «Modern Love» editor Daniel Jones on «The Secrets of Selling First - Person Pieces.»
Such an approach requires unique science pedagogical approaches, which are currently under examination by teacher educators, in - service teachers, and preservice teacher candidates.
Pop art comes under examination in 2015, while Pallant House Gallery reappraises the work of Leon Underwood, David Jones and Walter Sickert
directing that the evidence a party would normally give under examination in chief be provided by affidavit;
If the basic model of modern thought collapses under examination and can not be thought of as actually characterizing an objective world, then perhaps a better model could be developed.
This insight (if it occurs, and it is not ours to command, but God's to give) will show itself in some decision, some forthright judgment on the particular problem or issue under examination, and any such judgment will exhibit pro tem, a moral or social Christian principle — here will be God's message, if we wish to continue the model....
Any explanation of religious belief that disregards these factors will inevitably distort the religious tradition under examination.
All efforts of interpretation try to say something true about the material under examination, whether these truths are grammatical, text - critical, form - critical, historical, moral, political, or theological.
Indeed, it looks from start to end as if he were the judge and Pilate the person under examination.
-- Referees: the designation process under examination.
French outfit Paris Saint - Germain are also in considerable trouble over breaching FFP, with fewer than 20 other teams under examination with regards to their spending.
In the six months under examination, Cuomo received an additional $ 20,000 from members of Katz's family.
The headline on the cover of the September 10, 1965, issue of Life — alongside a hulking machine whose heavy arm nearly eclipsed the mother under examination — read Control of Life: Audacious Experiments Promise Decades of Added Life, Superbabies with Improved Minds and Bodies, and Even a Kind of Immortality.
«Assessing safety of masks: Efficacy of anti-particle filters under examination
«If it ceased to exist in the nation under examination and was replaced by something else.
X-rays aid the veterinarian greatly in detecting abnormalities that can not be detected under examination alone.
The century under examination is, therefore, an era of gigantic social change — from the Victorian age to the Swinging Sixties, with two world wars thrown in for good measure.
In tracing the development of ideas from one socio - geographic context to another, the exhibition will challenge the view of Latin American art as a single phenomenon, revealing important differences and tensions among various artistic proposals articulated during the decades under examination.
Here one feels the central presence of one big idea in each canvas, twisting under examination, a hubbub of other murmured thoughts and doubts below.
«Suppose you have an expert witness on the stand who has written a paper on the topic under examination,» Kiteley adds.
This means that unless the agreement under examination reveals a sufficient degree of harm on its face, so that there is no need to examine its effect (eg a price fixing cartel) the agreement must be examined to see whether its effect on competition is such as to prevent, restrict, or distort it to an appreciable extent; judgment para 58.
In that regard, it has already been established, in paragraphs 32 and 36 of the present judgment, that Directive 85/337 confers on the individuals concerned a right to have the effects on the environment of the project under examination assessed by the competent services, and that pecuniary damage, in so far as it is a direct economic consequence of the environmental effects of a public or private project, is covered by the objective of protection pursued by Directive 85/337.
After testimony at the preliminary hearing and a recantation under examination, the Crown decided to stay all charges.
While it may seem like stating the obvious, the fact is expert evidence can be undermined if the expert's approach to preparing and writing a report is sloppy, or oral testimony is not argued effectively under examination.
They should understand the procedures for giving evidence under examination and cross-examination.
The conviction under examination at present belongs to Joey Watkins, a Georgia man sentenced to life in prison in July 2001 for aggravated assault, a weapons violation, misdemeanor stalking, and the felony murder of Isaac Dawkins in January 2000.
Hence the data that leaked through Kogan's app - and perhaps through many more under examination now by Facebook - as well as social scientists» resulting insights on individuals could float around for years or decades, providing detailed insights into how individuals could potentially be better targeted or manipulated.
A certain Nokia Zoom moniker trademark is under examination as the Finnish phone maker applied for securing it on May 30.
Identified gaps, defects and other deficiencies in the chain of title under examination and recommended action for curative
Actually, a marriage or a long term relationship is made up of individuals who should have shared goals, so it is actually each individual that is brought under examination, but not the couple itself.
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