Sentences with phrase «under genetic control»

These abilities — which are thought to be innate and unteachable — ran in families, consistent with their being under genetic control.
«As for the puzzle over how the lizards «know» how camouflaged their own backs are against a particular rock — one theory is that it is under genetic control, while another possibility is that it develops in early life through learning from other lizards and from experience,» says Marshall.
Telomere length varies from person to person, but is similar in siblings, suggesting it might be under some genetic control.
Emergence of brown adipocytes in white fat mice is under genetic control.
Stats professor Cosma Shalizi explains heritability «says nothing about how much [a trait's level]... is under genetic control» and it's «irrelevant to malleability» (heritable ≠ immutable; genes often aren't carved - in - stone fate).
Decreasing sebum production — people with high sebum production often lose all hope, because they hear that it's under genetic control and they're doomed to have it.
Sebum excretion is an extremely important cause of acne, so clearly acne is under some genetic control.
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