Sentences with phrase «under hypnosis»

Indeed, everything in the past which can in principle be recalled in the future under hypnosis, for example, must be fully present in unconscious experience at every moment.
While it's entirely possible for people to oppose the President on entirely objective policy disagreements, I'm willing to bet that many who claim to feel that way would admit what you say, at least under hypnosis.
Now I recognize that much of what I have forgotten and which is seemingly beyond recall could be recovered to memory under hypnosis or even on an analyst's couch.
12 Thus setting a precedent for future close encounters: In a 2003 Harvard study, seven of 10 self - professed abductees stated under hypnosis that they had been used for breeding or sexual experiments by their alien captors.
Were the woman in the next seat to tell me, for instance, that I should (a) assassinate World Leader X next July 12 and that (b) I will have no memory of her telling me to do so, even under hypnosis I would have no problem telling her that (b) is not an option and that (a) is either not going to happen or is going to require a cash payment in the low nine figures, depending on which world leader we're talking about.
Nicholas Schiff, a neurologist at Cornell's Weill Medical College, adds that such brain - scan results don't necessarily prove awareness, pointing out that people on the verge of sleep or under hypnosis follow orders without necessarily being aware too.
All tasks were executed in a perfectly normal state of waking consciousness — not under hypnosis, which was induced only when the color suggestions were made,» says Kallio.
After several minutes, O'Connor brings his subjects out of their trance and asks them to gauge the familiarity of a new list of words — including some they've just heard under hypnosis.
Consider, also, the numerous cases of people who, again under hypnosis, have claimed to have lived in earlier times.
Quite often the details of their abductions were revealed under hypnosis.
In another of Spiegel's studies, people under hypnosis were told their forearms were numb, then given light electrical shocks to the wrists.
In 1961 psychiatrist Ralph August published a study of 850 women who gave birth under hypnosis.
Surgeons have also done major abdominal surgery on patients under hypnosis alone.
I also dug that he was actually picking at the chair when under hypnosis.
Often working under hypnosis, Matt Mullican creates artworks across variety of mediums — ranging from drawings and graphic works to sculptures and banners — that are guided by an obsession with the universe's cosmological idiosyncrasies.
Supposedly under hypnosis, he behaves like an artist in a state of Paul McCarthy - style dementia.
Featured in Phaidon's brand new «Vitamin C» compendium, Salvatore speaks with Artspace's Loney Abrams about psychedelia, the goofiness of clay, and going under hypnosis to become a better artist.
Coffee 1 - 7 (2009) consists of seven unique ink drawings, which were created under hypnosis and deal with Matt B's apparent predilection for coffee.
Since the end of the 1970s, he has been concerned intensely with performances under hypnosis.
Not accepting what the victims said, police in two New Jersey counties put the victims under hypnosis and they underwent what was referred to as hypnotically refreshed testimony.
Spiegel and Kosslyn wanted to see if subjects could set off the same circuit by visualizing color while under hypnosis.
It is possible that under hypnosis some traumatic event of my early childhood would vividly recur to me as something that had happened to me.
So long as all those past occasions of experience are potentially available for such recall, whether spontaneously or under hypnosis, the peculiarity of the sense of identity can be explained.
... this team doesn't fill me with much optimism — they're under hypnosis to think they're playing a.c.milan; wake up its only bournemouth ffs
Seven out of 11 of the abductees in their experiment had reported (under hypnosis) that aliens had extracted their sperm or eggs for breeding purposes.
«While they were under hypnosis, we had them look at a screen on which we showed them various symbols, such as a circle or a triangle,» explains Dr Barbara Schmidt, who conducted the experiment.
While under hypnosis, the test participants had to react on various symbols.
In his study, he places subjects in a soundproof cubicle and puts them under hypnosis.
Under hypnosis she claimed that her car had stalled and that, in the light, she could see a flying saucer.
Under hypnosis, though, both sides of the brain became active — just as in regular sight.
Spiegel and Kosslyn wanted to see if subjects could set off the same circuit by visualizing color while they were under hypnosis.
Under hypnosis, imagination seemed to take on the quality of a hallucination.
Under hypnosis, that distinction breaks down.
Seven out of 11 of the abductees in their experiment had reported (under hypnosis) that they had their sperm or eggs extracted by aliens for breeding purposes.
I think that studies of the brain both under anesthesia and under hypnosis would show many similarities.
When you're under hypnosis, you usually feel calm and relaxed, and are more open to suggestions.
The «under hypnosis» scene is wonderfully thought out and quite a joy to behold.
But the lovably quirky Daisy (a Manic Pixie Dream Girl if there ever was one) hasn't a clue of any of this (as she is quite pleasantly clueless) until Chabot puts her under hypnosis.
She had put us all under hypnosis to cross the border, to make sure we remained calm.
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