Sentences with phrase «under more stress»

Sleep is a bigger priority than exercise, and doing too much exercise puts your body under more stress.
On the one hand, new liquidity providers are likely to have fewer incentives to support market liquidity under more stressed conditions, because they lack access to any ancillary revenues from their clients.
Our liver and pancreas are under more stress because our blood sugar and fat levels remain higher throughout the day.
Managing stress is necessary when you're living with autoimmunity, because our bodies are already under more stress than usual.
If you're craving 80 % + chocolate, you're probably craving the stimulants in there (caffeine or theobromine), or the PEA, and you should look into why you need that stimulation — you're probably under more stress than your body can handle.
Global competition: With global law firms and clients; contracts being drafted in India overnight; clients in different time zones wanting to speak on the phone during the night — all this puts younger, less experienced lawyers under more stress.
Any quicker than this will put your body under more stress, and you don't need any more than the interrupted sleeping patterns you will establish.
However, 45 per cent of staff that answered the survey felt that behaviour had become worse over the past two years, with approximately two thirds feeling that this was due to the fact that pupils are now under more stress.
This happens when the body is under more stress than it has the ability to adjust to.
Newborns who sleep apart from their mothers don't sleep as well and are under more stress than those who bed - share, a recent study in the journal Biological Psychiatry showed.
«There might be certain cells that would be under more stress than other cells.
That's because younger colonies are under more stress.
Kids today seem to be under more stress than ever.
Research shows that we are under more stress than ever before.
Add up all these factors, and it is quite logical that we are under more stress these days than when life or death situations (like invaders, wild animals, or famine) presented themselves daily.
Our bodies are under more stress than ever and a good diet doesn't provide all the nutrients we need to feel and live at our best.
If the liver is under more stress, it makes sense that your thyroid function or thyroid hormones may not be at optimal levels to burn fat.
For one thing, they are under more stress than younger children in many cases.
If you have muscle imbalance, your body will be under more stress.
This could be due to the fact that with a faster metabolism, the body must work harder, putting it under more stress, notes obesity expert Dr. Joel Fuhrman.
So you can see what happens is if we're under more stress, this progesterone escape, this cortisol escape where that progesterone leaks down because it's needing to deal with the cortisol stress.
Unfortunately, our modern society has created an ecosystem where we are under more stress and introduced to more inflammatory compounds than ever before.
And your body will be under more stress.
If you have plantar fasciitis you are under more stress than you can handle — whether that be from overtraining (too much anaerobic activity, or lack of an aerobic base), working too hard, dietary stress (too much sugar, not enough protein or nutrient - dense foods), emotional stress, or other physical trauma / stress — which can be anywhere in the body, not just in the foot.
Administrators today may be under more stress than ever before, with pressure from high - stakes testing, accountability benchmarks, parents, and the multitude of needs students bring to school.
Given the high stakes testing environment and shrinking budgets of schools today, educators are under more stress than ever.
This seems to occur more when the engine is under more stress, such as driving though canyons,» he has noted in our logbook.
It's no secret that students are under more stress than ever, and it's beginning to take its toll on their health.
Recent articles show that students are under more stress than ever.
Herpes seems to be present in most dogs most of the time, but some pups are more susceptible or under more stress, which lowers their resistance.
These nutrients can help dogs suffering from joint conditions, and are also recommended for dogs that are predisposed to them but not yet suffering, particularly for very active dogs whose joints are under more stress.
«You get a little drop in rainfall and then plants are under more stress and there is less flow into streams,» he said... «I think that all the prognoses for climate change is that the South - West is going to keep drying out and getting hotter,» he said.
It also means that you might be under more stress — and thus more prone to getting speeding tickets and getting into accidents — both of which can hike up your rates.
Moms of children with ADHD, autism, or other neurodevelopmental or neurobehavioral disorders are under more stress than moms of neurotypical children.
Finding ways to support children when the family is under more stress than usual is critical.
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