Sentences with phrase «under one's system»

In 2004, about half of retirees under the system of individual accounts retired before the normal retirement age.
Whether district - run, state - run, or charters, all of these schools operate under a system of public choice without attendance zones.
The players were unable to work under his system.
There is no motivation under this system for parties to go into elections pretending anything other than that they hate each other equally.
There are a couple of thousand authors currently doing very well under this system.
This can be done under system preferences > desktop & screen saver > hot corners.
On the positive side, a company is better able to control costs under this system while still allowing an employee to take additional time if something catastrophic happens.
In general, a product certified under this system represents a product somewhere along the path to sustainability, not a product that has necessarily achieved some specific benchmark.
You only have your own provider to work with but you also lose some of your rights to sue under this system.
Under this system there is no commitment to excellence as such, but only as it may happen to be a useful tool of product promotion.
It is true that religious and moral values play important roles in the current system and would continue to do so under a system of expanded choice.
All of your employees who meet these criteria need to be entered into your pension scheme, under a system known as automatic enrollment.
The monetary authority stepped in to prop up the local currency, the first such intervention under a system that dates to 2005.
The freedom - for - satisfaction which is secured by labor under this system is perfected by the money system.
He will state that the odds shifted and no longer qualified under his system, even if the odds did qualify for 99 % of the day.
I agree the logistics involved in working up the numbers to pass a bill would become much more complex under my system, and it's hard to know how it would play out.
They would be elected for single 15 - year term under a system of single transferable vote, starting in 2015.
Despite the restrictions, the educated few still enjoy some advantages under the system.
Private schools, however, are not a perfect guide to what teachers will experience under a system of school choice.
«Once you point out accountability will continue under this system, inspections can start to become pretty attractive,» he said.
The district has seen more teachers achieving advanced levels of proficiency under this system, proving that instructional improvement is possible once we begin defining and measuring excellence.
It is not hard to see how the poor inner - city students will be totally short - changed under this system.
It covers everything that falls under the systems plan and the appliance plan.
So again under this system, we see an example of a capital - intensive company with a very safe dividend even if it might have a high earnings payout ratio.
An injured person can still recover under this system even if he was partially responsible for the accident.
It is estimated that only 15 % of the injured employees were ever successful in making any recovery of their losses from the employers under this system.
In a way, no fault systems are much easier to work under and many drivers are happy to drive under this system.
While most brokerages in BC practice designated agency, some continue to act under the system of brokerage agency.
The problem comes in due to these so - called publishers who are operating under both systems.
What would the public and private sectors look like under a system of expanded choice?
If one lives under a system which is systematically atheistic, even in a country like Poland, one realizes more clearly what religion means.
Friends of Dugdale have since pointed out that Rowley, when seeking election as the Scottish Party's deputy leader last year, promised that if he won he would not accept a protected place at the top of one of the lists from which a 56 of Holyrood's 129 MSPs are elected under a system of proportional representation only to go back on his word as soon as he won that particular race.
CAMPBELL: One of the problems under our system in Ontario, and true in most of the Canadian provinces, is getting access to a judge or master at a very early stage to get some help.
And that will be easier to recognize than under the current system, which is haphazard evaluation, or under a system which gives an inordinate amount of emphasis to the standardized tests, which is clearly an inaccurate measure.
Apparently, she hasn't looked too closely at our measurement system because under that system, only a few have the chance to achieve at a high level, lest we, again, adjust the test.
Your phone has been updated successfully to version 2.15.531.3 ″ But its says 2.3.4 under system settings.
You can also create a restore point manuallly by selecting a disk under the System Protection tab of the System Properties control panel and then clicking Create.
I'm not sure I could operate under a system where I have to identify a number of potential companies then wait years until Mr. Market gets really crazy and offers one or more of these at an unbelievable price.
Only 9 percent of teachers in New York City earned the highest ratings under the system — «highly effective» — compared to 58 percent of teachers in the rest of the state.
These projections should be reported under a range of assumptions about the rate of return on investments, not just under the system's own assumption, which would allow stakeholders in Nevada to appropriately assign risk to the system's obligations and provide clarity about potential unfunded liabilities facing taxpayers.
The option is off by default, but you can turn it on under System > Storage Settings and choose what it cleans up.
Even if you flood the ballot with daft choices under a system with a low bar to entry, that doesn't guarantee anyone will care.
Another nice aspect with Android 3.1 is the inclusion of the «Check Now» feature under the system updates menu that will allow users to keep tab of future updates when they become available.
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