Sentences with phrase «under specific circumstances»

Actually, it is a felony to harm a cat in any state only under specific circumstances outlined in each state's cruelty laws.
You can deduct renters insurance under specific circumstances, up to a certain amount.
In the event of an on - the - job accident that occurs under specific circumstances, you may be able to pursue personal injury compensation.
Personally, I would accept homebirth under these specific circumstances as a reasonable alternative ONLY if the parents understand and accept that risk explicitly.
Limited use in consultation with a medical professional is considered to be safe and with limited risk, however this should only be done under specific circumstances.
What you eat or drink during exercise is only important under specific circumstances.
There are only the ones the characters have determined they need to make under their specific circumstances.
Although creditor protection is one of the benefits of a life insurance policy, it is only available under specific circumstances and there are many exceptions.
If a flawed method happens to give a nearly - correct answer under specific circumstances (i.e., using the available data), it's still a flawed method.
A life settlement is the trading of a life insurance policy under specific circumstances.
The value of your belongings may only be protected under specific circumstances, as listed in a named perils policy.
State inheritance taxes and federal gift taxes may also apply to life insurance policies / proceeds under specific circumstances.
And those who assistance the effectiveness of term guidelines under specific circumstances.
In the majority of states, there are statutes that determine the child's presumed father under specific circumstances.
A good therapist recognizes how to help a client to set healthy boundaries under each specific circumstance.
Employees of developers may provide trading services on behalf of a developer without the need for licensing under specific circumstances.
You can deduct renters insurance under specific circumstances, up to a certain amount.
However, rather than implying a swift liberalisation of illicit drugs, Sefatian suggested another direction: re-introducing the cultivation of plants such as poppy and cannabis under state supervision; legalisation of cannabis and opium use under specific circumstances outlined by ad hoc laws, for instance, only in private places and for opium — as he told me — only for people above a certain age.
Some borrowers can have their loans forgiven, canceled, or discharged under specific circumstances.7
We work closely with each client, the treating physicians and medical or vocational experts as necessary to make sure that we have an accurate understanding of what amount will fairly compensate an accident victim under the specific circumstances of the case.
etc.) can be subordinated to and appropriated by the interests governing a theological course of study (How and why do these congregations understand themselves, their neighbors, and their shared worlds in relation to God under these specific circumstances?).
But, as often seems to happen, a reasonable idea morphed into the weird restrictive idea that bonding needs to take place under specific circumstances and at specific times or it will be fatally flawed (right after a natural childbirth, exclusive, extended breastfeeding, attachment parenting, etc.)-- and that so obviously is not the case.
That being said, it would be politically impossible for him to fire this special counsel under these specific circumstances because Congress (a seperate entity and equal in power) can impeach the president for anything that has political traction.
Students could investigate the limitations of Hawkeye's sight and present strategies for how he might defeat villains under specific circumstances.
«Knowing which ones can restore balance under a specific circumstance has the potential to help the body maintain proper cellular signaling ability, which will keep muscles healthy and working properly.»
These fish are caught under specific circumstances and have a high difficulty.
On a couple of occasions, however, it did strangely cut power to the engine under some specific circumstances — nothing I could replicate reliably, but an odd sign of something not quite right with either the engine control or the transmission programming.
Level 3 allows vehicles to take total control under specific circumstances, such as highway driving, and is a step below Level 4, in which the vehicle can take total control in most circumstances.
However, to quell the discontent, AMG has introduced a «drift mode» which drives only the rear wheels under specific circumstances.
Make sure you understand the conditions you must meet (for instance, you might have to maintain a certain grade - point average in order to continue receiving a scholarship, or your TEACH Grant might turn into a loan if you don't teach for a certain number of years under specific circumstances).
The rules vary greatly between pensions; most will only allow buybacks under specific circumstances.
The College Cost Reduction and Access Act of 2007 and other legislation help graduates in public service as well as those pursuing other careers under specific circumstances.
If research shows specific health benefits under specific circumstances, that information can be used to change policies in ways that benefit even more adults and children, by influencing rules and regulations for schools, health or assisted living facilities, residential treatment centers, and other places where people's exposure to animals is sometimes discouraged but could potentially be encouraged.
Redirected aggression is an alarming behavior that animals, including cats display under specific circumstances.
Jingles, cutscene only tracks, music cues that play under specific circumstances, variations based on certain conditions.
It also allowed for a divide - by - zero error under specific circumstances which messed all kinds of things up.
This case has seen some difficult and novel issues raised and the SFO's disclosure duty towards a defendant under these specific circumstances has come under the microscope of the Divisional Court.
Commentary on this new provision has argued that the new law shifts the burden from counsel for the deponent, who formerly had to seek a protective order from the court to avoid an excessively long deposition, to the counsel of the party taking the deposition, who will soon have to secure the agreement of the other parties or obtain an order from the court to obtain more than 7 hours of deposition time under specific circumstances.
Alerts on the questionnaire enable the legal author to communicate with users to warn them of options not usually taken together, or even to stop users producing documents under specific circumstances.
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