Sentences with phrase «under tension protocols»

Here I'll give you specific recommendations for the set / rep schemes, rest periods and time under tension protocols you'll want to use to make sure you're getting the training effect you want.

Not exact matches

Although the time under tension was the same for both protocols, the results showed that muscle activation and blood lactate concentrations were higher in the subjects performing the fast protocol.
The training protocol presented here combines dropset and superset approach focused on your pump, and the method for building size known as time under tension.
The original 8 - 12 reps per set protocol was originally measures with TUT (Time Under Tension) averaging ONE MINUTE to complete 8 - 12 reps.
Protocol: Incorporating and modifying — through «Extension of the Movement» and «Movement Under Tension» — all aspects of Weightlifting (Clean & Jerk, Snatches and all transitional exercises), Powerlifting (Bench, Deadlift and Squat), Strongman (Atlas Stones, Yoke, Logs, Farmer's Walk, Conan's Wheel, Viking Press, Axle, Tractor Tires), Kettlebell (Conventional and Non-Conventional Exercises) and Grip Strength (All aspects; Crush, Support, Pinch, Levering, Tearing, Bending) to build the complete athlete.
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