Sentences with phrase «under the guidance of»

«This year, under the guidance of our leaders, the China - India relationship has realised good development and shown a...
«This year, under the guidance of our leaders, the China - India relationship has realised good development and shown a positive momentum,» Wang said.
The federal government does not intervene with legalized marijuana at the state level under the guidance of the Cole Memo written in 2013 by then Deputy Attorney General James Cole.
This year, students will participate in weekly reflection sessions under the guidance of world — renowned professor Henry Mintzberg, whose book Managers Not MBAs provides a new framework for management education.
«This year, under the guidance of our leaders, the China - India relationship has realised good development and shown a positive momentum,» Wang said.
The deal potentially takes a chess piece off the table for NRG Energy, the power producer that announced a transformation plan earlier this year under the guidance of billionaire hedge - fund manager Paul Singer and fellow activist investor Charles John Wilder.
«There's no key to the puzzle,» says Goldberg, who earned a degree in economics at Yale and wrote his thesis on behavioral finance under the guidance of David Swensen, the manager of Yale's endowment.
They've learned early on that everyone succeeds when they work together under the guidance of a strong coach.
Under the guidance of a board of advisors from industry, government and academia, the centre drives a research agenda that produces actionable management knowledge for the health sector and the life sciences.
Investors and shareholders of the company clamored a lot to handover RIM's administration under the guidance of other rather than co-CEOs — Mike Lazaridis and Jim...
U.S. monetary policy was left unchanged this week, as the Federal Reserve concluded its final rate meeting under the guidance of Janet Yellen.
Nearly two years ago, Flint city officials, under the guidance of a state - appointed emergency fiscal manager, switched their city's water supply from Lake Huron to the nearby polluted Flint River.
«Most Canadians have no idea that this deal is being negotiated in secret under the guidance of multinational corporations with no input from labour leaders, environmental experts or even MPs,» O'Hanlon said.
Although we do not guarantee investment, several member businesses of The Venture Center have secured investment following our proven method and under the guidance of our Mentor program.
* The winning entry will be invited to our facility in San Diego, CA or Long Beach California to brew a batch under the guidance of our brewers.
The most widely recognized successful implementation of monetary policy in the United States occurred in 1982: the anti-inflationary recession caused by the Federal Reserve under the guidance of Paul Volcker.
In many cases, they had used original experimental materials, and sometimes even performed the experiments under the guidance of the original researchers.
Under the guidance of Filaret, who would be named Patriarch that October, the church demanded that the Patriarch be buried within the grounds of St. Sofia.
They are revealed by God's historical and dialogical self - revelation by words and deeds, and in the fullness of time by God's eternal Son becoming flesh in a certain time and space of history; in church history under the guidance of the Holy Spirit they have to be witnessed to and developed through the living tradition (see the dogmatic constitution Dei Verbum, 2, 8).
It the Bible was written under the guidance of one supremely intelligent being, it wouldn't be so full of errors, contradictions, hypocrisy and nonsense.
Pope Benidict was the perfect man for the job, he was chosen by the College of Cardinal under the guidance of the Holy Spirit!
TheLies» comment above about your post as usual conveniently ignores the critical point that crimes done by Stalin et al were not done under any guidance of atheism, whereas the guidance to do the many atrocities that Christians have done can be found in the many horrific instructions «from god» presented in the Christian book of nasty AKA the bible.
According to the JW's, only members of their organization will make up the 144,000 who will get a free ride to Heaven and rule as Officers in Jehovah's executive coucil, under the guidance of Jesus.
Augustine taught, Polanyi explains, «that all knowledge was the gift of grace, for which we must strive under the guidance of antecedent belief: nisi crederitis, non intelligis.»
For classical Lutheranism, truth is determined not representatively but magisterially - in Scripture and Creed, in patristic testimony, and under the guidance of the theologically trained and ordained.
Secondly the process is not arbitrary: it is an ever deepening appreciation of the given truth that the Catholic faith is under the guidance of the Holy Spirit.
Practicing under the guidance of a trained instructor can help reduce these risks, and careful screening by leaders before extended retreats is also necessary.
Under the guidance of the Lutheran primate of Sweden, Archbishop Söderblom, the meeting came into being.
The Pope assures his reader, nonetheless, that in communion with the Church's living Tradition and under the guidance of the Holy Spirit «we can serenely examine exegetical hypotheses that all too often make exaggerated claims to certainty, claims that are already undermined by the existence of diametrically opposed positions put forward with an equal claim to scientific certainty» (p. 105).
«Then at least,» I wrote at the time, «left to ourselves, we will be able, under the guidance of a new Holy Father (who will, I hope and pray, see it as his aim to complete the work of the pontificate which has just come to such an unexpected end), and with God's help, return in the light of a new Eastertide to the business of building up the Church once more, free of the attentions of the roving media protagonists who so rarely care a jot about what, for a week or so, is currently attracting their fitful attention.»
Later there is some evidence for virgins taking formal vows and living either in their own home or in a group under the guidance of bishops such as St Athanasius and St Ambrose, and this continued for centuries until monastic life became the dominant form of female consecrated life.
To the south, Virginia girded itself for battle under the guidance of Thomas Jefferson, George Washington, and the stinging words of Patrick Henry: «If we wish to be free; if we mean to preserve inviolate those inestimable privileges for which we have been so long contending; if we mean not basely to abandon the noble struggle in which we have been so long engaged... we must fight!
Under the guidance of the clergy and a group of radical agitators, bands of men were established, and they adopted the name «Sons of Liberty.»
As this is discussed theoretically (and under the guidance of the Spirit), it could be helpful for theologians to be aware that, on the practical level, these issues are linked to communication theories and technologies that have transformed organizational patterns in our day.
I have some experience with it, having studied and taught it to undergraduate students for ten years, and having practiced Buddhist meditation periodically, most meaningfully under the guidance of a Zen Buddhist master from Japan for whom I served as a language instructor for one year.
The converts had to work out, under the guidance of the Holy Spilt, a Hellenistic way of being Christian.
The disciplines of doing that may be exercised under the guidance of the Holy Spirit, but they are never infallible.
Indeed, after the fall of Jerusalem the new rabbinic Judaism under the guidance of Rabbi Jochanan ben Zakkai and his school undertook something of the kind.
The Word of God, written by Man, but edited by the Holy Spirit (God), interpreted over 3800 years by Man under the guidance of the Holy Spirit.
We shall follow his description, summarizing that which is most important for our purposes.15 In the first step, the disciple, acting either on his own or under the guidance of a master, reflects on the advantages of the Bodhi - vow, performs good works in order to free his soul, and finally takes the Bodhi - vow (pranidhi).
«Under the guidance of the Holy Spirit» just means «I am right, and you are wrong», «agree with ME, or you are wrong».
I see no possibility of a happy outcome of the direction we are now proceeding under the guidance of economism.
Baptists believe that every person has the right to interpret scripture for himself or herself, under the guidance of the Holy Spirit.
The Scriptures, given under the guidance of the Holy Spirit, are nevertheless the words of men, conditioned by the language, thought forms, and literary fashions of the places and times at which they were written.
If a man's governing purpose is to live under the guidance of the revelation of God in Christ, the amount of intelligence he can exercise in doing so will depend on his understanding of this revelation.
A small group provides a catalytic learning situation with... emotional involvement and safety, under the guidance of a leader - facilitator, in which intellectual, feeling and behavior learning can best take place.
It is a choice of faith whether to believe that life on this planet came into being and evolved all by itself, or under the guidance of God, but failure to recognize that faith is involved in both cases is simply ignorance — often willful ignorance.
Although the Church can, under the guidance of the Holy Spirit, formulate true dogmas, the Divine majesty of God is always greater than anything we can say.
The only foothold for Episcopal control is in the following from article 5, which suggests that the priest should «ensure that the welfare of these faithful harmonises with the ordinary pastoral care of the parish, under the guidance of the bishop in accordance with canon 392, avoiding discord and favouring the unity of the whole Church.»
Under the guidance of Zaid Ibn Thabit the correct written form of the Qur» an was determined by including only those passages which were verified by two witnesses as having been written down at the dictation of the Prophet and as being in the oral text of the last recital by the Prophet.
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