Sentences with phrase «under the influence of»

A national probability sample of 2,805 employed adults in the U.S. showed managers were more likely to consume alcohol at work, to be under the influence of alcohol at work, or to be suffering a hangover at work when compared with employees in low - risk occupations.
LONDON — Prosecutors have dropped charges against two Canadian pilots accused of preparing to fly a commercial aircraft while under the influence of alcohol after their blood samples were mistakenly destroyed at a Scottish prison.
However, of those 20 percent indicated they will be arriving to the office under the influence of marijuana and 10.26 percent are undecided if they will be walking into work high.
Arguably it dates back to the early days of the Reagan administration, when officials — under the influence of the pro-business, anti-regulatory Chicago school of economics — reinterpreted antitrust law.
Two pilots suspected of trying to operate a New Jersey - bound plane under the influence of alcohol are set to appear in a Scottish court on Monday.
He says since Tesla's shares are under the influence of a large controlling shareholder, namely Musk, you shouldn't read too much into its stock movements.
The entrepreneur needs to be aware of the danger of operating under the influence of confirmation bias and devise ways to mitigate the negative effects of that bias.
Studies have found that longer sentences do not have appreciably greater deterrent effects; many serious crimes are committed by people under the influence of alcohol or drugs, who are not necessarily thinking of the consequences of their actions, and certainly are not affected by the difference between a 15 - year and a 30 - year sentence.
Driving under the influence of alcohol is unacceptable and inexcusable behaviour.»
Under the influence of the latter, you stay clear - eyed about possible threats — and stay invested, in the faith that a long - term, calm approach to your portfolio will eventually pay off.
In 2014, 9,967 people were killed because of drunk driving, and more than 1.1 million drivers were arrested for driving under the influence of alcohol.
This is part of a partnership Lyft joined with the film Super Troopers II to educate people on the dangers of driving under the influence of marijuana — they even appeared in a YouTube video together.
Under the influence of the «Currency School», the Peel Act of 1844 was designed to stop the issuance of bank notes not backed by specie once and for all — this was thought to end the problem of the boom - bust cycle.
Having decisively placed procreation outside of the definition of marriage, will it now place reproduction completely under the influence of market forces?
Here, Geoff came under the influence of several spiritual mentors.
Under the influence of New Criticism, some thought that Christianity could be conceived as a beautiful poem that is its own justification.
The United States of America have exhibited, perhaps, the first example of governments erected on the simple principles of nature; It will never be pretended that any persons employed in that service had interviews with the gods, or were in any degree under the influence of Heaven, more than those at work upon ships or houses, or laboring in merchandise or agriculture; it will forever be acknowledged that these governments were contrived merely by the use of reason and the senses.
It is true that Wesley had his Aldersgate experience under the influence of a public reading of Luther's preface to the commentary on the epistle to the Romans, but when he got around to reading the commentary he found Luther blasphemous in his treatment of law, works, and reason.
During this later epic period, under the influence of the very old Vedic conception of deity produced by the process of arrested anthropomorphism, the Bhagavatas were led to simply identify their lord Vasudeva with the cosmic conception of brahman.
That makes a difference to me, just as not living my life on drugs or under the influence of some other delusions.
This viewpoint may or may not be compatible with a belief that the Bible is divinely inspired and written by humans under the influence of that inspiration.
His part of Switzerland had been heavily under the influence of Ragaz of Zurich, the blazing prophet of social Christianity who, like his friend Walter Rauschenbusch, saw in the labor movement the greatest single contemporary salient of the advancing kingdom of God.
Under the influence of the recent varieties of liberation theologies we are learning to appreciate this way of theologizing, and some of the more creative work in the interpretation of Wesley and the Wesleyan tradition has drawn on correlations of theological method with the liberation theologians.
Some theologians in the Wesleyan tradition, especially those most under the influence of neo-evangelicalism, in the early years of the post-World War II Evangelical Theological Society attempted to work in the neo evangelical coalition.
For the actual record... the word homosexual was introduced to your bible in 1973 by translators under the influence of very misguided and bigoted religious leaders.
It is obvious that Hartshorne later rejected this very peculiar view, probably under the influence of Peirce's philosophy as well as neopositivistic and analytical standards.
The son of late evangelist Oral Roberts and former president of Oral Roberts University was arrested early Tuesday on suspicion of driving under the influence of alcohol and speeding, authorities said.
They think they are following God, but in reality, they are under the influence of religious rules, regulations, and requirements that have less to do with God than with some person's attempt to gain cash, credit, or control for themselves.
The nineteenth - century critics, however, worked, like all of us, under the influence of the intellectual climate of their time.
Instead of standing dauntless in the field, sporting with the wind, carefree as the gust that blows, would it not under the influence of such a thought languish and droop, not daring to lift up its head?
By now he was dissatisfied with Manichaeism and came under the influence of Ambrose.
It is a fact that I have spent my life, for the most part willingly, under the influence of the Bible, particularly the Gospels, and of the Christian tradition in literature and the other arts.
What a furor was created when first, under the influence of the scientific spirit of the times, men began to study the Bible critically just like any other book.
Should we allow native Americans to drive around our neighborhoods freaking out under the influence of peyote because its their religious right.
The main liberation movement, the ANC, long committed to nonviolent resistance under the influence of Gandhi and its Christian roots, had by 1963 decided, after agonizing debate, to engage in an armed struggle.
And if, there being no water, because the camel will have drunk it all up, you thirst for wine from the river of wine that is flowing by, you will become intoxicated from drinking pure wine and collapse under the influence of the strong drink and fall asleep.
To be sure, under the influence of social solidarity, Hebrew hopes of the future were in the beginning centered on an undying nation upon earth, but when hope outgrew this early stage and resurrection from Sheol became a Jewish expectation, it took of necessity the form of an individual return.
I did not consciously come to this conviction under the influence of Wesley, but I have little doubt that as the leader of a great lay movement he would agree.
No universal health care coverage for drivers driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs or using cell phones while driving.
The early Christians were Jewish in their conception of the interior nature of man and they never became anything else until they fell under the influence of Greek philosophy.
Seeking desperately for this he returned to America, came under the influence of the Oxford Group Movement, 3.
He went on to gain his doctorate from Al - Azhar University in Cairo, and there came under the influence of Sayyid Qutb.
Under the influence of a rapidly moving revival atmosphere, punctuated by the singing of the simple, primitive music of the gospel chorus, the defensive shell of the alcoholic is gradually softened.
Can we say that what we learned to see only under the influence of revelation is in fact the one natural way of seeing things?
He was from a wealthy family and for part of his education he traveled to Palestine, where he came under the influence of Origen.
Under the influence of the forces compressing it within a closed vessel, human substance is beginning to «planetize» itself, that is to say, to be interiorized and animated globally upon itself.
After the success of Typee and Omoo (1847), his third book, Mardi, proved unpopular in 1849, and under financial necessity he quickly produced in the next year two sailing stories, Redburn and White - Jacket, before turning under the influence of Hawthorne to the complexities of Moby - Dick and Pierre.
It seems to me that this is a sort of entry level; like a child taken out of bomb - blitzed London (under the influence of the Enemy) in WW2 and put into a wonderfully peaceful country town for safety (as I was!).
The idea of a good and an evil inclination in man entered Jewish thought after the Jews had been under the influence of Zoroastrianism while in captivity.
What could be done to prevent the European race from devolving under the influence of the weak and the sick?
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