Sentences with phrase «under the shoulders»

Place your hands directly under your shoulders with fingers pointing forward, keeping the elbows as close to the torso as possible.
Start in and extended plank with your hands under your shoulders on the ground.
Bring your wrists under your shoulders with your arms straight.
From a seated position with knees bent, place one block horizontally just under the shoulder blades.
How to: Get in a tabletop position with your hands right under your shoulders and knees under your hips.
Place the roller behind you and start with it just under your shoulder blades.
Get in the plank position: wrists stacked under shoulders, ankles under heels.
Start in a high plank position, palms under shoulders, legs fully extended.
Start: Sit onto your right hip with right hand on floor under your shoulder.
Now bring the hands back under the shoulders and lift your chest up to get into the plank position again.
Start in a plank position with your arms under your shoulder, but out a few inches wider than your shoulders.
Children 10 and under should only participate in these experiments under the supervision of an adult.
Pull one arm across the chest and place a tennis ball under the shoulder blade of that arm.
Remember to keep your knees and hands flat on the floor with your wrists under your shoulders for both poses!
While in this position, keep your body straight, your belly tight and your wrists aligned under your shoulder.
All children age 12 and under should also ride in the back seat.
Rather than placing palms flat on the floor, position a dumbbell under each shoulder and grasp the handles with your palms facing each other.
Set your bottom hand on a block at its highest level, directly under your shoulder so all your joints (wrist, elbow, shoulder) are stacked in a straight line.
Children 13 and under should always be in the back seat.
As they'll most likely be small, use rolled up baby wraps under their shoulder blades to lift them a little higher and drop their head back to encourage their mouth to open.
Teach your child to have the pillow under their head and neck, never under their shoulders!
Stand holding a cable with one hand out in front of you at just under shoulder height.
Use the proper form above: feet together, hands under shoulder line and slightly more than body width apart, and straight line throughout body.
In the very least, babies three months and under should ideally be fed only breast milk.
If you have previously practiced with additional support under the shoulders and arms, the position of your spine is unlikely to be as vertical when you shift to practicing flat.
Start with one hand in front of the other, one remains under your shoulder, the other is out in front.
The legs are straight and strong and the elbows are well under the shoulder when the dog is standing.
Keep your fingers on your cat's chest for control and wrap your thumb under her shoulder blades.
The upper arm is approximately equal in length to the shoulder blade and joins it at an angle sufficient to insure that the foot falls under the shoulder.
Visitors twelve years of age and under should remember that they are required to obtain an adult's permission before submitting personal information to this or any other website.
Move one arm (the right one if you are right handed) up under the shoulder strap so that the shoulder strap is under your arm.
Place your right elbow directly under your shoulder and align your head with your spine.
Adjust the arms so the wrists come right under the shoulders.
HOW TO DO IT Start in a plank position, wrists stacked under shoulders.
Place your palms flat on the floor under your shoulders.
The major muscle of the shoulder is found on the sides of the chest and wraps around the back under the shoulder blades.
Place hands under shoulders and come up onto the balls of your feet.
Come onto your hands and knees with wrists under shoulders and knees under hips.
Finally, please understand that children 3 and under should only wear jewelry under close parental supervision.
Get into a push up position with your hands on the stability ball under your shoulders and your legs extended behind you with your feet together.
Also, all children 12 and under should ride in the rear seat properly secured in child restraints, booster seats, or seat belts according to their size.
Place your palms on the floor beside your head, with your fingertips just under your shoulders.
You can do this exercise with your head down and the bottom arm extended overhead, or you can do it supported on your forearm with your elbow under your shoulder as seen.
Plant your palms on the ground under your shoulders... More on Crow Pose >>
Stand in front of the machine with a staggered stance then put your palms under the shoulder pads of the calf machine.
Place a low rolled - up blanket under the shoulder girdle and a pillow under your knees.
«The person at the top needs to earn a proper salary and the people under him should not be making more,» Curran said.
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