Sentences with phrase «under umber»

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Given, now, a handsome señorita, with fine oval face and large, soft eyes, and broad, low brow and a strain of pure Castilian blood, to show red - warm through olive cheeks, a white kerchief over her bosom, and a glimpse of amber or gold beads about her throat, and the low, gray, wide - roofed adobe, scarlet - hued with festoons of red peppers, the whole seen against the burnt umber or yellow of the hills and under the pearly haze of a morning in September, and you have a grouping of such splendid color as would delight the heart of a painter.
I use a q tip to remove areas of wet paint in the lighter areas, and darken the shadow areas by reducing the amount of fluid retarder mixed with the burnt umber: with an under painting you begin with the lighter shades and gradually work your way up to the darkest darks.
Then, using a light wash of burnt umber, I begin the under painting: the aim of the under painting is to create an entire portrait in one colour.
Under a skylight, other Umber paintings glower down from three sides of the gallery with a tremendous visual as well as emotional power.
Curated by LA - based artist Katrina Umber, Reds brings together a small collection of objects under the most superficial of rubrics; color.
I started with Burnt Umber to define the shadows and after adding the background I let the under - painting dry until the next day.
And as the title of the series implies, they layer bright colors over one another and under silky washes of black or umber.
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