Sentences with phrase «under warmer ocean temperatures»

«However, studies like ours can help provide informative answers to the more tractable question of how a perfect storm like Sandy would behave under warmer ocean temperatures,» Lau said.

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One of the sturdiest pillars of the argument against global warming has crumbled under the weight of some 10 million newly compiled measurements of ocean temperature.
Changes to Antarctic winds have already been linked to southern Australia's drying climate but now it appears they may also have a profound impact on warming ocean temperatures under the ice shelves along the coastline of West and East Antarctic.
So the mechanism should cause a decline in skin temperature gradients with increased cloud cover (more downward heat radiation), and there should also be a decline in the difference between cool skin layer and ocean bulk temperatures - as less heat escapes the ocean under increased atmospheric warming.
The paleoclimate record (8.2 kyr, and earlier «large lake collapses») shows a dramatic drop in surface temperatures for a substantial period of time when the ocean circulation shuts off or changes, but is that actually what would be expected under these warming conditions?
If one wants to make the connection to global warming for this glacier, one will need to proof that ocean temperatures under the ice have increased.
Under the new slab - ocean approach (Figure 2, the «OHU» cases), the SST and MBL temperature warm abruptly by 7 - 10 K and the MBL deepens remarkably.
This CO2 - driven acidification of the oceans is already under way in our own epoch of global warming - and that same oceanic response in the past coincides with massive rises in temperature - the hyperthermal.
Under a moderate emissions scenario (RCP4.5), where greenhouse gas concentrations in the atmosphere stabilise around the 2050s, ocean temperatures in the study area would be around 1.4 C warmer than a baseline period of the 2000s.
I say CO2 simply follows ocean outgassing / absorption as it warms and cools and temperatures are bounded by planetary albedo i.e. how much land can potentially be locked under high albedo glaciers or alternatively how much can be exposed to present a lower albedo.
Importantly, these trends can largely be explained by increases in mean ocean temperatures, suggesting that we can expect further increases in marine heatwave days under continued global warming
Under greenhouse warming, the land is warming faster than the ocean, reducing the difference in temperature between the land and the ocean, which reduces the strength of the winter monsoon.
Barnett et al. «Penetration of Human - Induced Warming into the World's Oceans» (Science, Vol 309, Issue 5732, 284 - 287, 8 July 2005) «A new study has found a «compelling agreement» between observed changes in ocean temperatures since 1960 and the changes simulated by two climate models under rising atmospheric concentrations of greenhouse gases.
Adding heat to the ocean, in contrast, slows down the overturning circulation because ocean currents depend on temperature gradients — moving from warmer locations to cooler locations — that weaken under global warming as cooler waters heat up.
Elevated sea temperatures drive impacts such as mass coral bleaching and mortality (very high confidence), with an analysis of the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project Phase 5 (CMIP5) ensemble projecting the loss of coral reefs from most sites globally by 2050 under mid to high rates of ocean warming (very likely).
If this eternally - implied - but - under - supported idea that shifts in ocean patterns might be responsible for warming the oceans to depth of 2000m merits all these righteous demands for a «special team», I'd like to formally submit my request for a green team focused on the theory that the warming is caused by a progressive shift in mercury response to temperature caused by correlation with cosmic positioning relative to the galactic center.
34 Temperatures Rising due to Global Warming Effects Glaciers melting Greenland — If all of the ice melts, oceans will rise 23 feet Antarctic — major reduction in ice coverage Permafrost in Tundra is releasing CO2 that is stored under the ice
And if you've always dreamed about chasing schools of fish while snorkeling at the Great Barrier Reef, you'll want to make the trip Down Under soon — warming ocean temperatures are poised to be the largest marine life system in the world's downfall.
If heat flow into the deeper ocean (under 300m) is driven independently of Global Average Surface temperature or the «greenhouse» effect, then we have no reason to suppose that the latter produces any «global warming» at all.
New study published in Nature Climate Change says a combination of warming temperatures and ocean acidification is putting nearly all of the world's coral reefs under threat.
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