Sentences with phrase «under warming conditions»

However, under warming conditions the closing of the stoma may induce overheating (by preventing transpiration) and / or if sustained could decrease carbon fixation [50,51].
Droughts there would be normal under warming conditions.
Because lapse rate (particularly in the tropics) should decrease under warming conditions (this is actually the most important negative feedback), the troposphere should warm faster than the surface.
The American Southwest has experienced a series of severe droughts interspersed with strong wet episodes over the past decades, prompting questions about future climate patterns and potential intensification of weather disruptions under warming conditions.
The paleoclimate record (8.2 kyr, and earlier «large lake collapses») shows a dramatic drop in surface temperatures for a substantial period of time when the ocean circulation shuts off or changes, but is that actually what would be expected under these warming conditions?
Under warming conditions glaciers may contribute as much as more than half a meter by 2100.»
Second, those species that will do well under warming conditions will also have more opportunities to interact with other species that may or may not do as well under those conditions.
The scientists found that when raised under warming conditions, bryozoans altered their chemical composition by building higher levels of magnesium into their skeletons, particularly if they were also eating less food.
If the water temperature off the West Coast rises 2 degrees Celsius over the next 100 years as expected, the Mediterranean mussel «takes over most of the West Coast, simply based on its ability to attach well under these warming conditions
Pollens, released into the air by flowering plants, trees, and grasses, appear earlier and for a longer period of time under warmer conditions?.
At low altitudes, females born early under warm conditions have more time to grow large and produce offspring, so it is advantageous for these skinks» gender to be temperature - sensitive.
Not only are gray whales no strangers to the Atlantic, it seems they've thrived there under warmer conditions.
After six weeks, the biomass of the bladder wrack was reduced by about one half under warmed conditions compared to that of Fucus, which was kept under present conditions.
«Even under warmer conditions, we won't be seeing «green Christmases» under freshly blooming trees,» says Prof. Annette Menzel, TUM Chair for Ecoclimatology and a fellow of the TUM Institute for Advanced Study.
«We have gained a huge amount of confidence that, under warmer conditions, we're going to get a lot more mortality.»
Under warm conditions, like those found in a typical home, flea eggs can hatch within a few days.
Water and wastewater treatment yields better results under warmer conditions, as chemical and biological reactions needed for treatment perform in general better at higher temperatures.
Climate models have also shown that under warmer conditions, the Arctic sea ice will completely melt during summer.
As marine creatures form shells, bones and teeth, «they tend to use lighter isotopes of oxygen under warmer conditions,» Wignall said.
Model results now show natural variability will decrease in magnitude under warmer conditions, altering the mechanisms causing it and its influence on warming rates.

Not exact matches

Warm and fair conditions will continue for much of this week in Lake Elsinore, under weak high pressure aloft.
It's just so warm and humid, I'm dying to see how the yeast would thrive under such conditions!
-- Improve the condition of sleep: ventilate the room before going to bed or leave the window open, moisten the air in the room; make the crib more comfortable: put a pillow roll under the baby's back, warm the crib (babies often wake up when they are put from mother's warm hands into the cold crib), you can put the baby on a warm blanket covered with a flannel nappy.
But under those future warmer conditions, monarchs raised on the tropical milkweed survived at only one fifth the rate of butterflies raised under current conditions.
Like chilly air warming a mug, heat can spontaneously flow from a cold quantum particle to a hotter one under certain conditions, researchers report November 10 at
The thermodynamic model developed by VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland research scientists shows that under certain conditions ice warms and melts when an item of material slides across its surface.
Under certain conditions, the warm water of the lower layer can reach the surface and melt the ice.
It remains too soon to tell exactly how this climate system will work under changed conditions and other environmental factors — such as whether the cooling effect of the soot generated by industry and burning forests outweighs the warming effect of greenhouse gases — which may play large roles.
Whereas it would take about 20 years for the warm permafrost regions to thaw under present climate change conditions, the paper says it could take just five years for that permafrost underneath the disturbed land to reach the melting point.
Researchers have evaluated different mechanisms that could account for declining snowpack in a warming world: earlier onset of snowmelt, a change in melt rates and shifts from snow to rain under certain conditions.
Under normal conditions, the trade winds and ocean currents in the tropical Pacific travel from the Americas to Asia, maintaining a pool of very warm water and a related area of intense tropical rainfall around Indonesia.
Under warmer and wetter conditions, much more of the gas will be emitted.
The one - two punch of warming waters and ocean acidification is predisposing some marine animals to dissolving quickly under conditions already occurring off the Northern California coast, according to a study from the University of California, Davis.
For example, contrary to their assertion, current conditions in the eastern Pacific are almost the antithesis of projected conditions for most reef systems under global warming and ocean acidification.
Dr Li said the latest research findings give a better understanding of changes in human - perceived equivalent temperature, and indicate global warming has stronger long - term impacts on human beings under both extreme and non-extreme weather conditions, suggesting that climate change adaptation can not just focus on heat wave events, but should be extended to the whole range of effects of temperature increases.
He looked at both average seasonal snowfall and extreme snowfall events under current climate conditions, and also following projected future warming.
This is what happens right now under the conditions of global warming.
Water undergoes a change of state from gas to liquid under these conditions, because cooler air can hold less water vapour than warmer air.
Such justification would then most likely center on whether, under the introductory phrase of GATT Article XX, a US carbon duty, emission credit requirement or other regulation on imports is applied on a variable scale that takes account of local conditions in foreign countries, including their own efforts to fight global warming and the level of economic development in developing countries.
For example, Sturrock et al. (2011) estimate that a) Dothistroma needle blight (Dothistroma septosporum or D. pini), whose primary host in Montana is ponderosa pine, will have reduced or increased impacts, depending on warmer and drier or wetter conditions, respectively; and b) Armillaria root disease (Armillaria spp.), which generally affects Douglas - fir and grand fir, will have increased impacts under warmer, drier conditions, but no change under warmer, wetter conditions.
Sturrock et al. (2011) also state that the implications of climate change for white pine blister rust are uncertain, but suggest decreased impacts under a warmer, drier climate, and no change under warmer, wetter conditions because infections require both moist and cool environments.
Bird species around the globe are under threat from global warming and other man - made conditions, researchers warn.
Semi-continuous dilution growth experiments were conducted on Trichodesmium IMS101 under future high pCO2 and warming seawater conditions (800 µatm and 28 °C) and compared to the present - day situations (400 µatm and 24 °C).
Ground - level ozone formation increases under the hot and stagnant conditions that are expected to increase in a warmer world.
Quality can refer to a number of things including technical proficiency, using fewer «creature comforts» (such as supportive gear, favorite music, etc.), using slower tempos, and / or deliberately training under adverse conditions, such as when tired, hungry, or taking fewer warm - ups than what you'd prefer.
Many athletes report a sodium intake of 800-1500 + mg / hour when competing under warm to hot conditions.
Additionally, quinoa has also adapted to grow under a wide range of climate conditions, such as warm and dry; temperate and rainy; or temperate with high relative humidity.
Its light and cool enough to be worn alone on tough ascents in warm conditions or under mid and outer layers if the weather turns.
The EGHR improves the overall vehicle efficiency under cold ambient conditions by recapturing about a third of the wasted exhaust power and using it to warm the engine coolant.
During my driving time, the system only seemed to activate when the engine was sufficiently warmed up, and the restart was smooth and effortless under most conditions.
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