Sentences with phrase «underage workers»

Read next: Samsung denies allegations that another Chinese supplier employed underage workers
In fact, underage workers have been found working at Apple suppliers.
Rob Schmitz notes: «It is widely acknowledged that Apple has been aggressive about underage workers, and they are rare.»
Daisey's translator confirms in an interview with Schmitz that although she has on rare occasion encountered underage workers, she did not see any underage workers during the factory visits with Daisey.
Once I learned where fast fashion clothes come from (mostly overseas made by underage workers with little regulation), and where they go once they inevitably fall apart (in landfills), I vowed to be more mindful in my clothing purchases.

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Each worker on the assembly line could scan their identification card, which is then verified by multiple sources such as government agencies and third - party auditors, ensuring the workers are not underage or overworked.
Roy Moore's friend and fellow Vietnam veteran defended him by saying the GIOP U.S. Senate candidate had refused to remain at a brothel staffer with underage sex workers during the war.
* Republican campaign worker, police officer and self - proclaimed reverend Steve Aiken was convicted of having sex with two underage girls.
Some advocacy groups express particular concern that many of the sex workers at such high - profile sporting events are underage and are brought in against their will.
India has the most underage sex workers in the world with an estimated 1.2 million children working in brothels against their will.
He sweet talked the Newcastle Workers Club into letting underaged me sit in the lighting booth for a concert.
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