Sentences with phrase «underlying primary feelings»

It's about their underlying primary feelings.

Not exact matches

Thus there is little hope for our recovering a feeling of truly belonging to the cosmos as long as we hold onto the assumptions about physical reality (such as the primacy of primary qualities and cognate assumptions) underlying scientism and materialism.5 For we will continue to have a gnawing suspicion that the real world is so different from our projections that we are still without a home in the universe as it runs on colorlessly and meaninglessly beneath our secondary and tertiary «subjective» projections.
But there are some cancer biologists out there that feel that while mutations are ubiquitous in cancer, they may not be the primary driving force of the disease and, as we'll discuss later, they may actually be secondary effects of a deeper underlying process.
Performance - chasing was felt to be the primary underlying cause of this underperformance.
As the video shows, this married couple were able to shift out of their negative cycle by getting more in touch with their primary feelings and underlying unmet needs.
Partners who have grown accustomed to feeling criticized or shut out by each other are mostly in touch with their more reactive secondary emotions, and not with the more vulnerable primary emotions and their underlying unmet needs.
My focus is on your primary needs — to feel close, secure and responded to — which underlie most conflict married couples experience.
I view the building of «a safe haven» in your relationship as my primary task, and we will focus on your primary needs — to feel close, secure and responded to — which probably underlie most of your couple's conflict.
When utilizing EFT, we help you build «a safe haven» in your relationship as our primary task, as the foundation of the work to focus on your primary needs — to feel close, secure and responded to — which probably underlie most of your couple's conflict.
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