Sentences with phrase «understand human longevity»

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«By understanding how seabirds can cope with high metabolic demands with no effect on longevity, we may learn how old humans can reduce their chance of being impacted by metabolic diseases.»
Based on our understanding of human physiology and longevity, coffee reduces your risk of death by helping your cells produce energy, increasing your metabolism, and therefore improving thyroid function.
So if decreased growth hormone and IGF - 1 increase longevity then what is all this fuzz lately about HIIT (high - intensity interval training — as opposed to long aerobic sessions...) that (that is what I had understood so far) increases human growth hormone and thus longevity?
The project, completed at the Buck Institute for Age Research, reveals that the molecular mechanisms that control longevity in flies can be useful for understanding the human aging process as well as diseases like cancer, obesity, and diabetes.
This is the main shift in my understanding of human nutrition, specifically in relation to longevity.
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