Sentences with phrase «understand language means»

And the use of multimedia teaching tools and concise, easy - to - understand language means that the material is a snap to learn.
But being able to understand the language means «you can talk to other people and think outside your discipline, and that opens up enormous numbers of career possibilities», he says.

Not exact matches

But branding around a name that nobody knows, that isn't assigned to anything people understand in any language, means that you're starting with a clean slate.
Over the past century science has made lots of advances into understanding the many social meanings of body language.
What it does mean, is that once kids are old enough to understand the finer points of language (and according to Bergen, that's probably younger than you imagine), there's no cause for guilt if you use (and they pick up) some less - than - demure language.
That means I need to show that I understand challenges specific to marketing and use appropriate language — and that means ABM.
To see language as «the element in which we live,» or to say that our understanding of the world is «language - bound»» or, in his most famous formula, that «Being that can be understood is language»» does not mean simply that language is a medium in which we can connect with anything.
even my daughter would understand this as meaning that there was once a book in whatever language and then someone printed it in another one and there was an issue... it doesn't state that the FIRST bible ever was in latin now did it?
even my daughter would understand this as meaning that there was once a book in whatever language and then someone printed it in another one and there was an issue...»
Likewise when God says «Let there be light,» that is much more understandable by saying it means the «Light of Understanding,» like invention of language and tools, and the knowledge of right and wrong.
What we meant to model was the sending of one of our number to be a foreign missionary — to learn a new language, to understand a local culture, to sacrifice the amenities of affluence and to live knowing that he or she is always being watched by seekers — while the rest of us stay here as lifetime local missionaries, learning to speak the language of the unchurched, understanding secular culture, sacrificing the amenities of affluence and living as a «watched» person in a society that is skeptical of Christian spirituality until it sees the real thing on display.
There's a maxim that when the meaning of our words themselves are ambiguous, only 40 % of the meaning comes from the words, and the other 60 % of understanding is conveyed by tone of voice, facial expressions, and overall body language.
Just what Whitehead is to be understood as meaning by this language, and more important, what his systematic position requires that these expressions mean, we will consider later.
Since language is not, like mathematics, a purely imaginative intellectual construct, but is a means for understanding the real world, its patterns must in some sense represent the way things really are.
While it is true that because of its very high literary style it is difficult, if not impossible, to translate the Qur» an into any other language without losing the beauty and vigor of the original, translations in the languages of the people are necessary in order that they may understand the meaning of this book which is the source of Islam.
Furthermore, language is a spiritual function, for the self - conscious person by reflection is able to make a four-fold discrimination between: (1) particular things symbolized, (2) the sensible symbols used to symbolize them, (3) the meanings conveyed by the symbols, and (4) the self by whom the meanings are understood.
Most of the text below is taken from: (Later in the book, Marcus Borg explains the meaning of the language as understood biblically and by the early church)
It is not possible simply to collate hesed and agape into a single understanding, even though they are closely interrelated — and even though the New Testament language of agape clearly owes more to the meanings of love in the Old Testament than to the ordinary meanings of the word in the Hellenistic environment.
It is an affirmation and not, as many conservative evangelicals have reflexively assumed, a questioning of biblical authority when the language of liberation and empowerment prove fruitful in understanding further dimensions of what salvation always meant according to the scriptural witness, even though we had not previously been pushed to see it that clearly.
Panikkar understands what pluralism means and what it can offer us — in his language, he is attuned to the «myth» of pluralism — without succumbing to it as another «ism.»
@Cheesemaker The reason why you can't understand the real meaning of the language of it, is because you are dead while alive.
In understanding the work of art as a language - event, an image - event, the hermeneutics of Hans - Georg Gadamer and Paul Ricoeur offered a critique of the formalists» tendency to make «meaning» a static object.
This means, in my understanding, that there should be diversity of belief or non-belief, as well as diversity of expression and language.
However, it is clear, when scripture is viewed as scripture, plainly written, in a language that was meant to be understood, in a manner that was clearly written, there are roles for men and roles for women.
And even the truths in it are from ancient languages that have long ago lost their meaning??? If you get strength from the Bible that's really great, but understand that one size does not fit all, and therefor there is indeed a need for a decoder ring when speaking «religious»..
The entire New Testament is written in the common language, as was the original Latin in the 4th century so that the normal person could understand the intended meaning.
While the language used by Fr Tolhurst is certainly easier to understand, the Companion is by no means simplistic.
According to Roger Ames (NAT 117), an «aesthetic order» is a paradigm that: (1) proposes plurality as prior to unity and disjunction to conjunction, so that all particulars possess real and unique individuality; (2) focuses on the unique perspective of concrete particulars as the source of emergent harmony and unity in all interrelationships; (3) entails movement away from any universal characteristic to concrete particular detail; (4) apprehends movement and change in the natural order as a processive act of «disclosure» — and hence describable in qualitative language; (5) perceives that nothing is predetermined by preassigned principles, so that creativity is apprehended in the natural order, in contrast to being determined by God or chance; and (6) understands «rightness» to mean the degree to which a thing or event expresses, in its emergence toward novelty as this exists in tension with the unity of nature, an aesthetically pleasing order.
Schubert Ogden insists that people today no longer express their understandings of the meaning of existence in the mythological language of the classical theological tradition.
Pauline language about what was sown in corruption being raised incorruptible is generally understood to mean that the material bits of this body are replaced and rendered incorruptible in the resurrected body.
By an opaque concept of revelation, 1 mean that familiar amalgamation of three levels of language in one form of traditional teaching about revelation: first, the level of the confession of faith where the lex credendi is not separated from the lex orandi; second, the level of ecclesial dogma where a historic community interprets for itself and for others the understanding of faith specific to its tradition; and third, the body of doctrines imposed by the magisterium as the rule of orthodoxy.
Bultmann the philosopher argues, jumps directly from the kerygma stated in the barest terms, «that God has drawn near to us in Christ,» to faith understood equally starkly as the surrender of my self - will that I may stand radically before God.22 This leap ignores the question of how the actual language of the Bible — in its various literary forms — conveys content, sense, meaning, to
In the postmodern world, language is understood in terms of its functions within the cultural and social world which it helps to organize and sustain (as in the overworked slogan, «meaning is use»).
The NT was written in the «plain language» of the day, so it was meant for common people to understand it.
If I say Shakespeare is difficult to understand, anybody with even a basic understanding of the English language would realize that does not mean that there is nothing in Shakespeare's writings that is easily understood.
His grounding of language and meaning in the context of human community and «form of life,» together with his understanding of linguistic activity as multidimensional in character, goes a long way toward overcoming simplistic dichotomies between fact and value.
That meant that, in order to understand God better, one should probe beneath the surface irregularities to deeper patterns that could be expressed in the purest language of reason, that is, mathematics.
I weep for people like Tammy that can't understand the meaning implied by a slightly imperfect usage of language.
There can never be an absolutely final translation of the New Testament, for (1) we do not know with mathematical precision what its authors meant or how their readers understood them, and (2) our own language changes from age to age and words acquire and lose meanings.
English is my second language and I didn't understand what you meant by self rising flour, as it is really bubble up from me every time??
Although those first words are still a couple of months away, your infant is learning a lot about language and will begin to distinguish between different sounds, even though he or she doesn't understand what the words mean.
We share a common understanding of what our body language means.
Just make sure you have a conversation with your child about what constitutes respectful language so your child understands what the rule means.
-- Discover what eurythmy reveals about human development — Work your way through the development of the child by means of exercises appropriate to each developmental phase — See how the Waldorf curriculum comes to life through movement and gesture — Learn about the interplay between eurythmy and academic experiences — Acquire the language and understanding to talk about eurythmy to Waldorf parents in a valuable way — Work, play, laugh, and have fun!
What this means is that their brains are more developed since it basically has to work harder to maintain an understanding of 2 languages.
At this age, toddlers have begun to understand the value of language as a means of communicating.
And because language and understanding are still developing, you need to both translate the meaning of what they communicate to you, and be extra clear in the messages that you are getting across.
What makes researchers particularly interested in people's failure to notice words that actually don't make sense, so called semantic illusions, is that these illusions challenge traditional models of language processing which assume that we build understanding of a sentence by deeply analysing the meaning of each word in turn.
When I served as Secretary of the Ways and Means Committee in the mid 1980s, the Governor and the Legislature both operated under the understanding that the Legislature could amend the «terms and conditions» language that the Governor included in his proposed appropriations bills and that the Governor could veto those changes if he disagreed with them.
Understanding what an ad's language really means will help you optimize your job search results.
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