Sentences with phrase «understand ultimate truth»

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In a similar fashion we are taught to treat the bible as the ultimate source of truth and not rely on our insights or understanding.
My purpose, rather, is to remove the unnecessary obstructions and stumbling blocks in order to enable people to confront the central and ultimate stumbling block: the call to commitment that confronts us in the message of Jesus of Nazareth, in the understanding he gives us of God and of love, of truth and reality.
The ultimate reality upon which our hope depends is therefore the eternal truth and power of God, breaking into the flow of historical events, qualifying it, transforming it, yet always to be understood as giving meaning to life through its relation to that which is beyond the time form of the world process.
The ultimate truth and hope of the Church, God and his Christ, will be expressed anew as though what in fact has always been preached were really understood for the first time.
Regardless, however, of whether one agrees that Paul and Palestinian Judaism contains the «truth, ultimate» (see the index's whimsical entry), there is little question that the book played a major role in breaking the reigning Lutheran - Bultmannian paradigm of understanding Paul, curbing heavily biased portrayals of Judaism and opening new avenues of inquiry.
You seem determined to «show» that atheism is some complicated, subversive, twisted evil agenda, that seeks to obscure some sort of «ultimate truth» that ONLY YOU know and understand!
This drive to communicate what they both understood to be some kind of ultimate truth in the person and teaching of Jesus of Nazareth, the man who showed forth God in his own person, was central to both their lives.
Understanding God as the all - doer and ultimate authority is one of the fundamental truths of our Upasana.
I do not know what is worse is that author did not understand the film or that he is trying to position himself as the ultimate truth.
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