Sentences with phrase «understanding learning and memory»

Since hotspots are not uniform, understanding individual hotspot dynamics is important to understanding learning and memory.
In conclusion, this research activity aims to cause a paradigm shift in the way we currently understand learning and memory processes, whereby the dendrites, as opposed to the single neuron, are the key players.

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We spoke with Neurotrack CEO Elli Kaplan, whose company recently launched an online assessment that helps people understand the state of their memory health, to learn about some of the ways you can potentially decrease your risk for Alzheimer's and cognitive decline more broadly.
The real inheritance handed on by a good family is the memories it creates: memories of Mum's and Dad's goodness, of a place where one could take refuge, where one felt understood and learnt to understand others, of quarreling with one's siblings and making up, of forgiving and being forgiven.
Conditions that impair an individual's abilities in this way include those that hamper mobility; manual dexterity; physical co-ordination; continence; the ability to lift; carry or move everyday objects; speech; hearing or eyesight; memory or ability to concentrate, learn or understand; and understanding of the risk of physical danger.
As part of the limbic system, it plays an important role in memory processing and spatial cognition, including how mammals learn to understand and navigate their environment.
«Understanding how a healthy brain works is important in terms of knowing its impact on cognitive functions such as memory, learning and in this case attention,» Noudoost said.
The discovery of a new mechanism that controls the way nerve cells in the brain communicate with each other to regulate our learning and long - term memory could have major benefits to understanding how the brain works and what goes wrong in neurodegenerative disorders such as epilepsy and dementia.
Scientists do not yet understand that language, but experiments suggest that it is part of the neurological conversation that takes place as we learn and form new memories.
This discovery is the first time that learning and memory deficiencies have been identified in any hybrid of any species, opening up a new area of inquiry for understanding hybrids» selective disadvantage.
«Understanding brain mechanisms that lead to poor learning is important to developing effective strategies to improve memory and learning ability,» Pahan said.
This may help us to understand how processes such as learning and memory formation, which require long - term changes in the brain, arise from the short bursts of electrical activity through which neurons signal to each other,» Greenberg said.
One goal in neurobiology is to understand how the flow of electrical signals through brain circuits gives rise to perception, action, thought, learning and memories.
We'd like to pinpoint learning and memory pathways to understand how they may lead to human disease.»
These advances have provided a molecular framework for understanding some of the most devastating disorders that afflict humans as well as normal functions such as learning and memory.
A long - term goal of our research is to understand how neuronal activity elicits changes in gene expression that are important for learning and memory.
Her detailed and long term - studies of patients, lasting for many years, before and after brain surgery, have made significant contributions to the understanding of the structure of the brain, especially the functions of the hippocampus and the temporal, frontal and parietal lobes in learning, memory and speech functions.
In 2006, he earned his doctoral degree in the department of neurobiology at the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) where he utilized electrophysiology and imaging techniques to understand fundamental elements underlying learning and memory.
Advances in understanding how we learn and remember will help us to treat learning disabilities and perhaps to improve memory and retention.
We are interested in understanding how dendrites and their integrative properties contribute to learning and memory functions.
We study learning and memory at the genetic level to understand the structure, regulation, evolution and biological function of genes that are required for normal learning and memory.
We also focus effort at the level of anatomy to understand the pathways of information flow in the brain for normal learning to occur, and at the behavioral level to probe the complexities of memory formation.
Studies at the cellular level help us to understand how the gene products involved in learning and memory mediate physiological changes in the neurons that encode memories.
But in order to do that, researchers need to better understand the molecular events associated with learning, memory and neurodegeneration.
The hope is that such studies in Drosophila will one day clarify the role neurexin plays in learning and memory, ultimately leading to a better understanding of how defects in this protein can lead to human disorders such as autism, Bhat said.
Her detailed and long - term studies of patients, lasting for many years, before and after brain surgery, have made significant contributions to the understanding of the structure of the brain, especially the functions of the hippocampus and the temporal, frontal and parietal lobes in learning, memory, and speech functions.
At the Duke Center for Neuroengineering, the INNF is supporting a revolutionary project to understand the neural mechanisms underlying the onset of disease by recording the neuronal activity of brain structures controlling movement, sleep, and learning and memory.
The results, which are published in the journal Cell, add to the understanding of how the brain's frontal lobes work and control behaviour.The frontal cortex of the brain plays a crucial part in cognitive functions, including everyday mental processes such as attention, memory, learning, decision - making and problem - solving.
Ironically — and especially plaguing to advocates of deeper learning and conceptual understanding — experts tend to forget just how much they've absorbed into long - term memory and thus take most of their foundational mastery for granted.
The learning journey is clear and progressive, following a pathway of progressively more difficult tasks, including: - An engaging memory game task to recognise and remember items and ideas that are related to the character of Lennie; - A worksheet that enables students to demonstrate understanding of key quotations about Lennie, and to link Lennie to key themes and ideas.
So are schools where teachers have 120 or more students to get to know (with this 120 shuffled at the end of each semester); where serious learning is broken up into snippets of 50 - minute «subject matter periods» arranged in no intellectually coherent order; where assessment keeps knowledge tightly packaged in separate intellectual domains; where short - term memory work is rated as deserving the highest value at the expense of original, long - term analytic work; and where the intellectual engine of the curriculum comes at most students and teachers as a list of subjects and skills, usually far too long for the careful savoring and devoted practice that leads to deep understanding and worthy habits.
Learning outcomes: - Understanding and using instructional models such as ADDIE; - The role of learning theories and memory in learning; - Using needs analysis and subject matter experts to design instructional materials and courses; - Using Gagne's Nine Events of Instruction to design effective instructional materials; - Using learning technologies to deliver training; - Measuring and evaluating the instructional maLearning outcomes: - Understanding and using instructional models such as ADDIE; - The role of learning theories and memory in learning; - Using needs analysis and subject matter experts to design instructional materials and courses; - Using Gagne's Nine Events of Instruction to design effective instructional materials; - Using learning technologies to deliver training; - Measuring and evaluating the instructional malearning theories and memory in learning; - Using needs analysis and subject matter experts to design instructional materials and courses; - Using Gagne's Nine Events of Instruction to design effective instructional materials; - Using learning technologies to deliver training; - Measuring and evaluating the instructional malearning; - Using needs analysis and subject matter experts to design instructional materials and courses; - Using Gagne's Nine Events of Instruction to design effective instructional materials; - Using learning technologies to deliver training; - Measuring and evaluating the instructional malearning technologies to deliver training; - Measuring and evaluating the instructional materials.
Using question / answer strategies helps keep the learning energy high and students focused in their working memories in order to process and deepen understanding of concepts, skills, strategies, and processes.
«I particularly enjoyed the chapters on meaningful memories and making learning «sticky» and would recommend this book to any L&D professional who wants to deliver memorable training sessions, understand how to engage learners and make sure that the learning sticks.»
The following are common characteristics of gifted children, although not all will necessarily apply to every gifted child: • Has an extensive and detailed memory, particularly in a specific area of interest • Has advanced vocabulary for his or her age; uses precocious language • Has communication skills advanced for his or her age and is able to express ideas and feelings • Asks intelligent and complex questions • Is able to identify the important characteristics of new concepts and problems • Learns information quickly • Uses logic in arriving at common sense answers • Has a broad base of knowledge; a large quantity of information • Understands abstract ideas and complex concepts • Uses analogical thinking, problem solving, or reasoning • Observes relationships and sees connections • Finds and solves difficult and unusual problems • Understands principles, forms generalizations, and uses them in new situations • Wants to learn and is curious • Works conscientiously and has a high degree of concentration in areas of interest • Understands and uses various symbol systems • Is reflective about learning • Is enraptured by a specific subject • Has reading comprehension skills advanced for his or her age • Has advanced writing abilities for his or her age • Has strong artistic or musical abilities • Concentrates intensely for long periods of time, particularly in a specific area of interest • Is more aware, stimulated, and affected by surroundings • Experiences extreme positive or negative feelings • Experiences a strong physical reaction to emotion • Has a strong affective memory, re-living or re-feeling things long after the triggering event
Provide students with plenty of time to explore, understand and transfer learning to long - term memory.
While understanding that these memories and the things she learned about her father were extremely important to the author, I am not sure who this book would appeal to.
Thanks to Einstein's machine learning techniques, Cortana will be able to read and understand e-mails in order to complement human memory.
Students will gain a basic understanding of the human brain — such as memory, learning, mental development, and consciousness — and how it can affect behavior.
The approach by body system in this course serves to provide the necessary background information and to refresh the student's memory of previously learned material through which the therapeutic action of the drugs can be clearly understood.
For example, The Helpful Counselor (she really is quite helpful, check out her blog) identified and posted 20 clips from the movie that can be used to explore feelings, identify coping strategies, develop empathy, and learn how memories impact our understanding of the world around us.
Building on these understandings, the authors elaborate on work with varying types of groups as seen through an IPNB lens, for example; how systems - centered therapy creates a rich neurobiological climate that supports integration; how children's groups can help with sensory motor, psychological, and interpersonal development; how using an IPNB frame enables couples» groups to attain more solid interpersonal regulation; and how experiential learning groups can transform implicit memory.
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