Sentences with phrase «understanding nutrition labels»

Recent studies show that an overwhelming percentage of the public still have a hard time understanding nutrition labels.

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While Soylent wants consumers who aren't avid readers of nutrition labels to be able to understand the concept behind the company's products, it's not looking to do an about - face.
To test modifications to nutrition label serving size information on understanding of energy (calorie) content among youth and young adults.
Learn how to read and understand the ingredients list and nutrition facts label.
Interpretive nutrition labels provide simple at - a-glance information that is easy for all consumers irrespective of ethnicity or socioeconomic position (6) to understand and act on.
Among 624 parents knowing nutrition labelling, 22 · 1 % understood all the information included, 70 · 7 % understood it partially and 7 · 2 % could not understand it at all.
The forms of the existing nutrition labelling need to be continuously improved to facilitate their understanding and usefulness.
To understand parents» knowledge and use of nutrition labelling and to explore its associated factors.
Today (Feb. 27), the Food and Drug Administration announced plans to update nutrition labels to better reflect the latest nutrition science, and the growing understanding of the link between diet and chronic diseases, the agency said.
Today (Feb. 27) the agency announced proposed changes to the labels, to reflect the latest nutrition science and the growing understanding of the link between our diet and chronic diseases such as obesity and heart disease, the FDA said.
I should admit, too, that another impetus for adding nutrition labels is that their presence helps Google to understand when it's looking at a recipe, and since Google is boss around here, it gets what it wants.
Develop the essential and practical skills of understanding nutrition language and food labels.
Be sure to read your nutrition labels and understand that companies are permitted to round down on nutritional facts.
Today (Feb. 27), the Food and Drug Administration announced plans to update nutrition labels to better reflect the latest nutrition science, and the growing understanding of the link between diet and chronic diseases, the agency said.
And despite more widespread awareness on health and wellness, most people still don't pay enough attention to nutrition labels as they should, or don't really know how to properly ready / understand the labels, in order to make the healthiest decision about what to buy (and what to avoid).
Understanding how to read nutrition labels correctly and shop smartly?
Having a better understanding of dog nutrition will enable owners to read labels with confidence and choose dog food ingredients that are truly healthy and not just popular due to some fad or other.
Pet information resource: pet nutrition expertise (need help understanding pet food labels!)
Understanding the basics of dog nutrition and pet food labels, and reading evidence - based dog food reviews can help to determine whether pet food you are feeding is healthy, accurately labeled and has sufficient amount of nutrients or not.
«By quantifying the advantages of a sustainably designed home we can express that information in universal, easy to understand terms using something as simple as a label (like the ones we created above and below) in the same way the advantages and disadvantages of food are expressed through nutrition labels
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