Sentences with phrase «understanding personal beliefs»

Chiang's study showed that the teacher candidates» reflective process during their early field experiences helped them «understand their personal beliefs, enhance their personal growth, and clarify their career goals» (p. 1282).

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Nancy worked with Sonja to create her «money genogram,» a visual family tree that helped her understand her personal money patterns and her family's history and patterns around money behaviors, beliefs, feelings and relationships (see my previous article).
Understanding the religious teachings of others is desireable, as is tolerance of all personal beliefs.
I think he is just a little better at understanding how to keep his personal religious beliefs from his duties and oath to serve the American people.
I'm not one, but I'm close enough to understand that for most people who do not have a belief in God, it was a personal and private discovery, and not something for bashing other people.
This is so because central to Keen's thought has been his belief that all theology, including a theological understanding of play, must be defined solely in terms of one's own autobiography («I may speak of grace only in the first person») 34 This solipsistic reduction of religious authority to personal experience has led Keen to characterize incorrectly both theology and the play experience itself.
Rather, it is true that there is some variation in the personal, individual beliefs or understandings of what is most important among us.
And for that reason, one is indeed on trembling ground when one tries to make him some sort of prophet, whether it be for disbelief in a personal god, belief in some sort of non-personal god or in favor of socialism, which he supported but may not have understood any better than he did the street grid in Princeton.
I may agree with you there to some degree, but I do think 1 Cor 15 makes a definite distinction), as the means of Justification salvation (I would quantify belief here, as the agreement of the fact of Jesus death for ones own personal sins (Understanding one is a sinner and needs a savior) on the cross, That he was buried, and was raised to life on the third day).
As these beliefs are affirmed and are adopted for personal understanding and motivation, Methodists will discover that every area of their life will change.
I don't understand how some random persons personal belief could cause you grief unless it was indicative of a deeper issue.
Belief or non-belief in God is something personal, I never understood why people feel the need to have others pick a side.
I appreciate your story, and especially your understanding that your beliefs are yours and you have your own set of very personal reasons for them.
Though I believe that a personal God exists... I accept that for many believers, their understanding of Him falls into the realm of superstitious beliefs.
One has to dig deeper and be detached from personal beliefs to get to this understanding.
If you had your preacher here to tell you the meaning of the words I wrote, you would understand my words to have meant that anytime anything mentions atheism it sends the christians into a tizzy, like its an assault on their personal beliefs, Atheists have know for ever that there are christians around.
«Ron from Jersey» said I showed «no respect or understanding of the personal and loving god of Judeo - Christian belief
He is encouraged to examine his personal religious experiences and beliefs and to understand the purposes they serve in his life and ministry.
I mean, really, all the thousands upon thousands of interviews you had to of done, all the mosques you must have visited, all the traveling and expenses you must have had to deal with, and even having to get to know every single Muslim in America well enough to have a very clear and deep understanding of these people, their practices, their very detailed personal beliefs, and how each of them interpret the text and follow through with their own meaning.
For my own personal belief I can't just close the door on him when he does not understand that I am trying to help him sleep.
That is in contrast with what psychologists call «gist» reasoning, or representations of risk that rely on personal values and beliefs to create a qualitative, intuitive understanding of risks.
of the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation to understand how personal factors including women's social norms, perceived beliefs, social support and personal barriers such as untreated mental health, substance abuse, intimate partner violence, and health system factors, including whether women receive HIV and obstetric care together or separately, contribute to HIV outcomes.
Despite his personal beliefs, the handsome trainer understands the doubt surrounding online dating.
At the same time, it's helpful to continue to learn about pedagogy and about equity literacy, and to do your own personal work around understanding yourself as an individual — your own biases, triggers, and beliefs you bring to this work.
We need to challenge our personal educational beliefs, hone our instructional practices, deepen our understanding of the nuances of curriculum, and build solid assessment practices.
Yerrick et al. (2005) recognized that «engaging preservice teachers in a process of recognizing children's ideas and examining preservice teachers» personal belief systems during their reflection on practice is a promising area of research for understanding how to make change among tomorrow's teachers» (p. 352).
In the unit on LBGT issues, the gay musician describes the life - threatening harassment he's experienced, and the whole class — including the nun — comes to understand that teachers must support every student regardless of one's personal beliefs (which the course is not out to change).
We understand that This I Believe essay writing is highly personal and it requires courage to share your ideas, beliefs, and hopes with the audience.
One of the foundational beliefs that DTAYS is built on is the understanding that each trader must explore and experiment with different approaches to markets in order to determine the best method of trading for their own personal skill set.
I understand you not letting your personal beliefs get into the way of investing.
Your statements on climate science are based on nothing more than your own personal beliefs about people you have never met, upon scientific reports you don't understand, and upon personal incredulity that anyone could disagree with your «consensus».
Tom, Part of the problem is that people have started to adopt the Bayesian estimates as their personal beliefs, and dressing it up in this language enables them to present it to the anti-Bayesians (of which there is still a substantial body) without the latter actually understanding what went into the sausage factory... Here is an random example of someone (cited in that IPCC figure) saying as the result of their simple analysis «there is a 70 percent chance that [sensitivity] exceeds the maximum IPCC value».
Understanding the origins of your own personal limiting beliefs and how they impact your willingness to be intimate is instrumental to overcoming your fear of intimacy.
Individual therapy (sometimes called «psychotherapy» or «counseling») is a process through which clients work one - on - one with a trained therapist — in a safe, caring, and confidential environment — to explore their feelings, beliefs, or behaviors, work through challenging or influential memories, identify aspects of their lives that they would like to change, better understand themselves and others, set personal goals, and work toward desired change.
By 1955 he dubbed his new approach Rational Therapy (RT) and it required that the therapist help the client understand and act on the understanding that his personal philosophy contains beliefs that lead to his own emotional pain.
Ferrara inspired attendees with his discussion, «Yellow Pants and Pirates,» which focused on connecting creativity to productivity, driving success by maximizing your strongest inner beliefs and understanding the «Social Renaissance»: how successful people combine their personal and professional networks to create unparalleled growth.
*** (The foregoing is Brian Martindale's personal belief / interpretation of events based purely on his speculation hinging upon his understanding of human nature when humans, even judges, are faced with difficult decisions of grave importance that said humans (even judges) want to somehow escape from while at the same time saving face (s).
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