Sentences with phrase «understands safe zone»

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I can understand his frustrations, but at the end of the day, they will finish safe from the relegation zone, and looking back on this game at the end of the year, it is unlikely that this missing point will be of importance.
I wonder if practicing «at my level of comfort» may not be an ideal phrasing... Perhaps «I understand that I have the right to listen to my body and practice in accordance with my body's needs in order to remain safe» or something like that may be less limiting (no growth in the comfort zone)... also... I agree with everything relating to the student teacher relationship but I think it could be stated more succintly — my body and mind are my own and I can expect to be treated with respect and grace physically, mentally, spiritually at all times.
The process of crafting and gathering supplies and building your first safe zone is well - done and addictive once you get going and understand how the basic gameplay systems work — the day and night cycle, the gathering and crafting of materials, the up - keep of your character's food, water and energy needs — and killing zombies is a genuinely terrifying, albeit fun task.
Understanding driver behavior and particularly lane changing within and entering the work zone area can be utilized to better design and operate safe work zones.
This understanding argues strongly for considering in our planning: access to public transit; the walkability of our communities; access to safe pathways for walking and biking; and zoning regulations that permit mixed - use development (combining residential and commercial development in an area).
It is important for drivers to understand the no - zones and avoid a truck's blind spots, but truck drivers are not excused from safe driving by the mere presence of substantial blind spots.
In a society where teens and adults are bombarded with contradictory messages on how they should act, think, and feel, therapy provides a «safe zone» for them to voice their concerns and be understood
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