Sentences with phrase «understood as myth»

So the transhistorical elements in their stories are not to be understood as myth, but as the means whereby the sacred - historical aspects of the story are revealed within the history itself.
(Ibid., p. 127) Ogden is willing to use mythology in both teaching and preaching, although it causes difficulty in communication unless it is understood as myth.

Not exact matches

In fact, I understand that some in the crypto community view the necessity of cashing out itself as a type of myth.
What most of us think of today as modern medicine is heavily dependent on an understanding of genetics, but certainly the term «modern» is relative and those who still think a book of myths beats science might consider pasteurization and basic sanitation the height of modernity.
Missouri Synod theologians had traditionally affirmed the inerrancy of the Bible, and, although such a term can mean many things, in practice it meant certain rather specific things: harmonizing of the various biblical narratives; a somewhat ahistorical reading of the Bible in which there was little room for growth or development of theological understanding; a tendency to hold that God would not have used within the Bible literary forms such as myth, legend, or saga; an unwillingness to reckon with possible creativity on the part of the evangelists who tell the story of Jesus in the Gospels or to consider what it might mean that they write that story from a post-Easter perspective; a general reluctance to consider that the canons of historical exactitude which we take as givens might have been different for the biblical authors.
«In the enjoyment of a great myth we come nearest to experiencing as a concrete what can otherwise be understood only as an abstraction.
We understand the book is a cobbling together of myths, folklore, local legend and possibly some decent home cleaning tips, fraudulently claimed as the word of your god.
It's easy (and frankly immature) to dismiss those who disagree with your position as «sharing their hatredness»... But what's harder is to try to understand that, if you are wrong, then you and all likeminded souls are wallowing in the chains of mental slavery to a myth.
You are making it needlessly hard, or are perhaps just plain too stupid to understand such a simple fact as: there's no point debunking myths that virtually no one and no one at all with any real clout believes in anyway, but MUCH point in debunking myths that large numbers of people, including powerful politicians, believe should be the guiding principles for the country's entire political culture and laws.
So we can use these aspects of the resurrection story as Christian Myth as long as we use them to point to and symbolize the Christian understanding that Jesus was victorious on the cross and survived death.
The more one considers this eventuality (which can not be dismissed as a myth, as certain morbid symptoms, such as Sartrian existentialism, show) the more does one tend to the view that the grand enigma presented by the phenomenon of Man is not the question of knowing how life was kindled on earth, but of understanding how it might be extinguished on earth without being continued elsewhere.
If God is based on the same stuff as Jupiter, Horus and Baal, than he's still a myth no matter how much later believers needs and «understanding» develop him, right?
What we mean here is myth in its everyday, nontechnical sense as understood by you and me: a story that is told as if it were literally true, but which is no longer accepted as factual, and which explains or symbolizes a belief or insight.
Just as the book powerfully exposes the myth that acceptance of gay marriage would have no significant social consequences, so too the authors could have made the further argument that, to varying degrees, all sexual unions outside marriage (as traditionally understood) are harmful to society.
Ogden also states that Christian faith could be explicated as a doctrine of God just as well as it could as a certain possibility of self - understanding, ibid., 170; Christ Without Myth, 148
They blame the people who use God as a crutch: people who refuse to learn and understand the world (because the God myth is an easier route), and people who have an agenda («I understand God and he happens to support my political and social biases.»)
The myths of Genesis tell us, as no objective history of public events could, what the community of Israel essentially believed about God's relationship to the world and to man; and the legends of the Fathers record Israel's understanding of herself, her own relationship to God and the world, her own sense of sin and inadequacy in tension with her conviction of special divine Election, her fears on the one hand and her highest hopes on the other.
If we understand history as that which belongs to the past and which throws light upon the past, then myth and legend have a high historical value.
Panikkar understands what pluralism means and what it can offer us — in his language, he is attuned to the «myth» of pluralism — without succumbing to it as another «ism.»
The only truth behind myth is therefore, as Bultmann says, the understanding of human existence which its imagery enshrines.
From a logical point of view, however, these two conceptions are not mutually exclusive, especially if Bultmann is right in regarding the true sense of myth as the disclosure of the «self - understanding of man», and the objectivizing imagery with its implied mythical world view the inadequate means for the expression of that sense.
Now I agree to stay within these bounds of meaning as long as we are simply trying to understand Bultmann, or to interpret him; but the moment we get beyond these tasks to the larger constructive task of a postliberal theology, I want to take issue with this way of dealing with myth.
The most popular understanding of myth is as a narrative of a purely fictitious character concerning supernatural beings.
In such a framework, we can have «Christ without myth,» where he is understood as «the final reality of God's love that confronts us as sovereign gift and demand in all the events of our existence.»
Everybody wants to do what is right in their own eyes and frankly, I am growing weary of media statements that suggest «well, everybody knows that the Bible is just a book of myths and that it's irrelevant, etc.» as though everyone accepts this as understood.
Put differently, Christian myth works on us as a Word of God in forms that limited human understanding can appropriate.
The question is simply whether the New Testament message consists exclusively of mythology, or whether it actually demands the elimination of myth if it is to be understood as it is meant to be.
But whatever may have been the original meaning, there is plenty of evidence that in Paul's time the myths were understood as having decisive bearing upon human nature and the course of history.
In the five chapters of this book I have selected and discussed outstanding examples of Old Testament myth, legend, history, prophecy and law in an effort to show that common theological presuppositions underlie all of these varying literary types, and that they must be read and understood as speaking from faith to faith.
For example, Martin Heidegger argues that the whole modern view of the person as an active subject engaged in the process of knowing leads to the «nihilism» of Nietzsche, to the idea of knowing as the pure exercise of the will to power which has its fullest expression in contemporary science and technology (see, e.g., QT): In one sense my response can only be that I believe knowing is most truly understood as an active process, and that I think that the idea of a purely receptive knowing is a myth, albeit perhaps an appealing one.
It seems to follow that, just as a dominant philosophical imaginary governs the quality of understandings of the world, so the myths that inform a self - creating social imaginary must delimit what that society can as well as should make of itself, while leaving certain possibilities open.
You lack the capacity to understand scientific theory and thus think it is acceptable to consider unsupported myth as truth.
He preened himself as an authority in the humanities as well as in the clinic, a scientist whose understanding of sex, and of our tendencies to deny and repress its power, gave him the key to understanding human nature and made him a bearer of the cold light of fact to an ignorant and myth «ridden civilization.
Myth, properly understood, can serve contemporary man, as well as it served ancient man, for the verbal expression of the response of the human spirit to the environment of his existence.
Whereas the ancient myth bore all the marks of the mythological world to which it was orientated, the myth which the man of faith in the new world finds meaningful will be orientated to the human situation as contemporary man understands it, and it could even be called a «demythologized myth» or «historically - grounded myth».
Scientific language has replaced myth for the understanding of physical phenomena, but it has not replaced poetry and art as the expression of the human spirit.
From this standpoint, then, theology is perhaps best understood as the effort to nurture awareness of the depth dimension of human experience as it comes to expression in the myths and symbols of particular religious traditions and their broader cultures.
The long - term effectiveness of Strauss's work, however, has not been in terms of a growth of a Hegelian - Strauss Christology, but in terms of a growth of understanding of the gospels as myth and saga.
A more helpful and I think accurate understanding of myth portrays it as a story by which groups qualify their character and catch sight of themselves in doing so.
Learn basic techniques such as shampooing, conditioning and hair styling for different types hair, consider the impact hair care has on self - esteem and cultural identity, understand the myths versus realities of caring for natural hair.
Politics is too often thought about purely in «rational» terms, as a function of interests — the concept of «myth» is helpful to understand what role memory, imagination, and passion can also play in politics.
First thing you should do is take the time to learn and understand the fundamental must - do principles to build muscle, as well as making sure to inform yourself of the common pitfalls and mistakes that beginner lifters fall victim to over and over again like clockwork (yup, even in 2018 when the world is supposedly quite enlightened) so that you can avoid all of the BS and myths out there in the fitness industry.
This is a myth, I can understand that peanuts may be problematic for some, as they are potentially highly allergenic and are moldy at times, but to take almonds and Brazil nuts for example out of the diet of a person with psoriasis just doesn't make any sense!
It looks like Richard Gere has set his sights on a much younger beauty, because E! News confirms that the 65 Dating creation is the attempt to provide an estimate of the age of Earth or the age of the universe as understood through the origin myths of various
Rocha is understood to be producing a number of other one - offs as part of the Urban Myths strand.
Director Tarsem Singh Dhandwar (also, oddly, listed simply as by his professional moniker Tarsem in the «a film by» credit) understands the necessity of grandeur in myth.
Finally, destroying the myth around the perfect score or trying to understand the 10/10 rating several games have been receiving as of late.
Billed as a coming of age film, The Myth of the American Sleepover by first time writer / director David Robert Mitchell shows some promise with a script that almost captures an understanding of a time most of us will fondly reme...
Three scholars and friends with a common understanding of academia as a platform where assumptions and myths are challenged rather than maintained thought that it was time to start to explore theoretical contributions other than those coming from the Western part of the world.
Critical pedagogue Ira Shor defines critical pedagogy as: «Habits of thought, reading, writing, and speaking which go beneath surface meaning, first impressions, dominant myths, official pronouncements, traditional clichés, received wisdom, and mere opinions, to understand the deep meaning, root causes, social context, ideology, and personal consequences of any action, event, object, process, organization, experience, text, subject matter, policy, mass media, or discourse.»
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