Sentences with phrase «understood human possibilities»

His evaluation of politics is shaped by the conviction that Christianity has understood human possibilities and limitations better than its Marxist and liberal competitors, so that the prospects for the future depend greatly on recovering Christian insights, understanding them and using them to shape our political expectations.
From this we learn that the beatific vision does not cancel out our personality or God's, but rather gives us the measure by which we may understand all human possibility, and it places sociability at the heart of divine union, It is a profoundly ecclesial vision.

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You should support the advancement of human knowledge and understanding, even if it means the possibility that religion might be diminished.
New exciting possibilities appear as men begin to understand that the purpose of God's descent to the human level is to enable them to rise and live as sons of God.
He was reluctant to identify transcendence with God because he understood the absoluteness of God to function as a limit, a restraint upon the otherwise unlimited field of human possibilities.
But the «anagogical» interpretation is perhaps most useful: Fairies represent forgotten human possibilities and strange philosophies that we might grow to understand, to transcend, or to embrace.
If the data of philosophical reason are natural, that is, if they are given for human experience independently of historical conditions, then natural theology as commonly understood becomes a major possibility.
Horney's search for deeper understanding of the distortions and possibilities of human personality was linked with the willingness to challenge many of Freud's ideas.
One possibility is that we are simply using this current language to speak of the importance of the church's developing its doctrine of nature more fully and in ways appropriate to our new understanding of the relation between human beings and the natural world.
yeah, but its only because htey do not understand the possibility of the growth of the human mind and body.
It acknowledges a human contribution in the formulation and transmission of religious beliefs, while accepting the possibility of divine revelation.4 Because God's communication is being received by humans, there will always be an element in the whole process of understanding God's revelation that is open to change and development.
Kant had situated the conditions for the possibility of the understanding of reality in the transcendental structures of the human mind.
In some such fashion we can come to understand the Christian conviction that through Jesus Christ God is decisively present and at work, «representing» (in Schubert Ogden's admirable word) the possibility present in human nature as such, establishing a reconciliation of human existence with God's intention for it, and revealing the divine nature in human terms and with a singular intensity.
Nominalists share with Scotus the voluntarist understanding of divine and human will, the unboundedness of possibility, the view of creation as an order imposed by God's arbitrary will, and the rejection of the doctrine of analogy.
These assumptions, which have their origins in a theologically motivated rejection of a classical understanding of God and creation, lead by an easy path to the view that human beings fully realize themselves by producing concepts that give us mastery over limitless possibilities — first mastery over nature, then over ourselves.
It opened and still opens up for humanity new possibilities of compassionate understanding, creativity and human fellowship.
In the face of the marvel of what can be called the immensely small world of the atom, and the immensely great world of the cosmos, the human mind feels itself completely surpassed in its possibilities of creation and even of imagination, and understands that a work of such quality and of such proportions demands a Creator whose wisdom is beyond all measure, and whose power is infinite.
-- Last but not least, as members of the human species, our universal responsibility is to encourage comprehension and appreciation for the excellence of the human spirit in all its manifestations; and for inspiring awe and wonder for a cosmos that brought forth life and consciousness and holds out the possibility of its continued evolution toward higher levels of insight, understanding, love, and compassion.
They recovered the classical experience of reason as the potential infinity of human questions, showing how this dynamic «ratio» as a desire for understanding is healed and transformed by the paschal - metanoetic experience of faith in the Sophia - Cod of compassion and love.4 Aquinas, for example, understood God as «intimately present within everything that exists since God is existence» and that Cod's omnipotence — Aquinas wrote very little about it — regards not actualities but possibilities, and is best manifested in forgiveness and compassionate mercy.5
How in this case man can be said to be free is one of the paradoxes which Niebuhr holds defies rational understanding.11 But if we accept the paradox, while we may say there is an ideal possibility that we could assert our human will to power in history without sinning and thus bring in the Kingdom of love, this is no actual possibility.
Furthermore, human sense perception is only to be understood as a condition of the possibility of intellectual cognition, posited by spirit in contradistinction to itself but for itself, and consequently once again affirms the kinship of spirit and matter.
Human activity we can understand as having the possibility of providing conditions under which the work of grace may be more fully released.
The gospel conveys the radically new possibilities of God, which are fallibly understood in the present, which stand on the borderline of human achievements, and which become evident precisely in the negation of those achievements.
Because, it is claimed, evaluation presupposes valuation as a condition of its possibility, any merely «disinterested» or «value - free» understanding of human reflection is of necessity excluded.20 Any consideration of the evidence of experience could only in the nature of the case ever illustrate, but logically could not falsify what must always necessarily be the case, even if such a consideration could well force a limited reconstrual of the hermeneutical analysis always itself presupposed in the strictly conceptual presuppositional analysis which uncovers the necessity of such elemental valuing.21
While Ogden argues to the existence of an ontic whole as the condition of the possibility of our valuing, it not only can be, but also has been argued with similar care that such a reality, understood as the supreme instance» of that «comprehensive moral principle» required to account fully for human evaluation is thereby likewise necessarily presupposed by such evaluation (Franklin I. Gamwell, Beyond Preference: Liberal Theories of Independent Associations [Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1984], chap.
Emerson's perfectionism places too much faith in human capacities and fails to understand human limitations, according to Reinhold Niebuhr, who said that «the ultimate fulfillment of human life transcends the possibilities of history» (Beyond Tragedy).
It is surely conceivable that another analysis of love in human experience might open up possibilities of understanding the meaning of the love of God testified to in the Bible in a way which breaks through traditional concepts.
Because association is indispensible to an understanding of the achievement of the best of human possibilities, such as art, science, philosophy, religion, society.
It tries to build a bridge between our faith and philosophy by investigating the transcendental conditions for the possibility of understanding the various truths of our faith by probing into the very foundational structure of the human spirit.
We understand by the Christ the realization of that specific aim or future possibility appropriate to our human condition, an aim which Christians confess was fully actualized in Jesus of Nazareth.
Discussion on this subject is possible because every existential self - understanding lies within the possibilities of human existence, and therefore every existentialist analysis based upon an existential self - understanding is generally intelligible.
Acknowledgment of the existence of this rational dimension of reality is vital to the possibility of understanding the origin of human mathematical powers.
Above all, understanding human civilisation as an ocean into which many rivers flow and contribute guards against the conceptual possibility of hermetic civilisations destined to come into conflict with one another.
... The projects that are ongoing, like the Human Cancer Genome Project, [have] really opened up a lot of possibilities to understand the molecular basis of cancer.
Although this provides one of the first glimpses of cooperative understanding outside humanity — and raises the possibility that such abilities might have been present in our common ancestor more than six million years ago — it does not mean that chimpanzees can communicate about a shared goal, like human children.
The technique, which requires genetic engineering, can not be applied directly to people, but the achievement points toward better understanding of human aging and the possibility of rejuvenating human tissues by other means.»
While the ongoing costs of impunity in the Ayotzinapa case are unclear, the work of the international human rights community over the last two years has changed how we understand possibilities of international pressure.
He has a passion for continually developing his understanding of human physiology and movement and is demonstrating the possibilities and capabilities of our ever evolving and unlimited human potential through movement.
And anyone with a working understanding of human nature will be naturally concerned about the possibility of entrapment when working - class people are being paid by the government to build cases.
Not that they haven't heard (and dismissed) the possibility that experiments with supercharged particle accelerators could lead to inter-dimensional mixups beyond human understanding.
I understand that there is a possibility of health or injury risk to humans and personal pets when caring for rescued animals and I hereby agree to hold Furry Friends harmless from any and all liability, damage or personal injury resulting from volunteer service.
Creed has designed the base of his sculpture as a social space, a stepped platform on which visitors may gather to enjoy the view — and perhaps debate the limits and possibilities of human understanding.
My research is directed to understanding the natural state of these water bodies, the human perturbation of the natural state, and the possibility to design engineering solutions to the problems caused by human impact.
I see the IAC's recommendations to be something which can be support by ALL parties who have an interest in increasing human's understanding of the earth's climate, the drivers, and future possibilities.
Finally, the warmth and depth of human understanding in this book can prompt reflection on personal values, professional satisfaction, and the possibility of peacemaking.
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