Sentences with phrase «understood verbal commands»

Doctors in the US say Mr Warmbier suffered an extensive loss of brain tissue; while his eyes opened and blinked, there was no sign he understood verbal commands or his surroundings.
So, first you must check that your dog understands verbal commands when he is close to you before expecting him to respond to verbal commands at a distance.

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Much recent research on communication between dogs and humans has shown that dogs understand both our verbal and gestural commands, a fact well known to dog owners.
He gives you an understanding of what elements of verbal commands mean something to your dog and what elements are mainly for humans.
Beagles are single - minded and determined, when tracking down a scent, but that was all they ever had to do — it was never necessary to understand and distinguish between multiple verbal commands.
So first, let's check how well your dog understands proximal verbal commands.
When your dog is running away from you, or even when his head his turned, he can not see your handsignals or body language (which are really easy for him to understand) and so, verbal commands are the only way to get him to respond.
As far as training goes, this means deaf dogs and hearing dogs are pretty much on the same page: dogs that know commands, whether visual or verbal, are likely to be responsive to their adopters while dogs that know no commands will simply not understand what you want.
When the command is well understood, give only the hand signal to teach a response with or without a verbal command.
Full command of the English written and spoken language is extremely important as a correctional officer; officers are required to read and understand information such as reports, understand what occurred in an event through hearing a description, and primarily be able to adhere to and follow written and verbal commands.
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