Sentences with phrase «undesignated fund»

The phrase "undesignated fund" refers to money that has not been assigned or set aside for a specific purpose. It is available or free to be used for different needs or goals that may arise in the future. Full definition
This underfunding was raised as a concern by Legislators, the former assistant budget director said that the county could make this payment with undesignated fund balance, which is at $ 99 million, if necessary.
Instead, directors deeply reduced requested education spending and used $ 2 million in undesignated funds.
In a letter delivered today to the County Executive, the Majority Caucus requested his support of its proposal to spend $ 5 million of the county's nearly $ 90 million undesignated fund balance for additional road work this year.
Of the remaining $ 15.6 mm, most of it has been designated for refunding tax certioraris ($ 6.1 mm) and reducing the impact on raising the property tax ($ 3.9 mm), leaving just $ 5.0 in undesignated funds.
Erie County Legislator Kevin Hardwick cosponsored a resolution at the May 8, 2014 session to transfer $ 5 million from the undesignated fund balance, which is currently at $ 89 million, to allow for additional road projects this year.
At the May 22, 2014 session the Legislature unanimously (11 - 0) approved a resolution to transfer the $ 5 million from the undesignated fund balance, which currently totals $ 89 million, to the general fund.
He added that, based on the most recent data available, Long Island school districts have reported approximately $ 370 million in unreserved, undesignated fund balances that may be used for any purpose - including offsetting state - aid reductions - and that 98 school districts have a total of $ 61.8 million in unused federal education jobs funds that also may be used to mitigate the cuts.
The MPS Employee Combined Giving Campaign (workplace giving campaign) is a primary source of income for the foundation's undesignated fund.
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