Sentences with phrase «undue pressure on the back»

Nothing quite seems to do the trick when it comes to comfortable maternal sleeping positions that don't restrict circulation or cause undue pressure on the back or belly.
By sitting up tall and tightening your tummy muscles while performing leg lifts, the low abs engage without putting undue pressure on your back.

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Natural parenting and attachment parenting practices, too, place undue pressures on mothers, and might be deliberately architected with the sexist aim of controlling women's bodies and keeping them tied to the home, says Amy Tuteur in her provocative polemic, Push Back: Guilt in the Age of Natural Parenting.
Having a properly aligned back means there is no undue pressure being placed on different parts of your body.
When that happens, your first inclination is to arch your back, which puts undue pressure on your spine.
Since the computer is a strong stimulus that is directly in front of us, it is tempting to also arch the lower back forward, which puts undue pressure on the lumbar (lower) spine, and can easily cause back ache and pain.
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