Sentences with phrase «uneasy peace»

"Uneasy peace" refers to a situation where there is a temporary absence of conflict or tension, but there are still underlying problems or concerns that create a sense of discomfort or unease. Full definition
In Goredd, dragons and humans live in uneasy peace.
As much Jesus was considered a radical in the organized Jewish faith, the elders were concerned about his rocking the boat and causing grief with the ruling Romans, of which there was an delicate and uneasy peace at the time.
When one reads such novels as Couples, Marry Me, and the trilogy of Rabbit Angstrom stories, one has the feeling that all American marriages are doomed to failure — or at least to some kind of uneasy peace.
6 And he predicts: «Cold peace, cold war, trade war, quasi war, uneasy peace, troubled relations, intense rivalry, competitive co-existence, arms races: these phrases are the most probable descriptions of relations between entities from different civilizations.
The uneasy peace among the diverse American religious groups must be attributed to something other than special natural virtues possessed by people who live here.
In other places, church leaders made an uneasy peace with Nazi authorities.
But it was an uneasy peace in which the Negro was forced patiently to submit to insult, injustice and exploitation.
Children in such families are often willing to take on any role — the perfectionist, the pleaser, the clown, the mascot, the scapegoat — to deflect the family tensions and keep the uneasy peace from shattering.
So that uneasy peace suddenly became fraught with anxiety.
The problem is that Espada Jr. has reached an uneasy peace with Senate Democratic Conference Leader John Sampson, who needs all 32 votes of his conference to get anything passed this session and can't afford to be seen as working against any of his incumbent members — even the unpopular ones.
Elsewhere, Dan Hodges takes the pulse of the post-election Labour Party and detects an uneasy peace as supporters of David Miliband and Ed Balls return to their old briefing habits.
It's an uneasy peace, at times, between science students and humanities students.
While theories did emerge showing how information might escape in a quantum - friendly way, the uneasy peace didn't last.
In 24 % of the confrontations, the usurper emerged victorious, whereas in another 24 %, the former fighters established an uneasy peace, sharing the same space they had been battling over.
But everyone knows the uneasy peace is only temporary.
There's an uneasy peace between the monsters and the village folk, and as long as the proper sacrifices are made, there's no problem.
Though unhappy when Odin (Anthony Hopkins) passes him over as heir to the throne, Hemsworth's brother Loki (Tom Hiddleston) joins him and a handful of other deities as they raid the realm of some frost giants after they break an uneasy peace with the Asgardians.
Heat Vision reports the actor will play King Brahmwell in the retelling of the traditional «Jack and the Beanstalk» tale that centers on a mission to rescue a kidnapped princess, a crisis that threatens the uneasy peace between giants and men.
An uneasy peace lay across the British.
I'm the CIA guy called Everett Ross, who was a character in the comics as well, who sort of has an uneasy peace with T'Challa, who is the Black Panther.
It's been nearly six years since Janice Y.K. Lee made her fiction debut with The Piano Teacher, an «exceptional first novel» set in postwar Hong Kong where Allied occupiers and the native people negotiate an uneasy peace and a brittle, stratified society (read our review).
The year is 878 AD and an uneasy peace has settled across the British Isles thanks to Alfred the Great's defeat of the Vikings.
An uneasy peace lay across the British.
Of course, this is a first - person shooter, not a first - person tea party, so the uneasy peace doesn't last long.
In the near future, androids coexist in an uneasy peace with humans, but the status quo may not last when the machines realize that they're just as deserving of rights as their flesh - and - blood counterparts.
Years later, Lucas is a soldier in a top - secret program designed to put down Helghan threats to the uneasy peace on Vekta.
Where there was a good peace initially, it's now an uneasy peace.
In the near future, androids coexist in an uneasy peace with humans, but the status quo may not last when the machines realize that they're just as deserving of rights as their flesh - and - blood counterparts.
This norm leads to an uneasy peace between you that centers around the following unspoken agreement:
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