Sentences with phrase «uneasy time»

"Uneasy time" refers to a period or situation where there is a sense of discomfort, anxiety, or tension. Full definition
• «Colossal,» writer - director Nacho Vigalondo's sly comedy - drama, with Anne Hathaway as a semi-functioning alcoholic who discovers her actions control a monster terrorizing Seoul — a perfect metaphor for our uneasy times.
Thomas Haden Church and Margo Martindale shine as parishioners who are having an uneasy time accepting Todd's stance on Colton's beliefs.
Amazon's move comes at an uneasy time for the company and its relationship with publishers, because it has been in a public squabble with Hachette over e-book prices.
A bland diet for dogs may help comfort your best friend during these uneasy times.
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