Sentences with phrase «unequal opportunities for»

Remedying unequal opportunities for successful participation in Advanced Placement courses in California high schools: A proposed action plan.
Rather, the authors collectively define racism as any act or situation that, even unwittingly, tolerates, accepts, or reinforces racially unequal opportunities for children to learn and thrive; allows racial inequalities in opportunity as if they are normal and acceptable; or treats people of color as less worthy or less complex than «white» people.
She became a vocal critic of the standardized testing movement and raised alarms on the outsize role that testing is playing in public education: taking over the time students spend in the classroom, being used as a weapon against their teachers, and distracting from the real problem of unequal opportunities for students.
Deep structural inequities contribute powerfully to unequal opportunities for students.

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It certainly makes for very unequal opportunity.
Austin, the US provided separate and unequal educational opportunities for blacks up until 1972.
This creates a stratified society based on unequal social relations that fails to provide equal opportunities for every individual to maximize their potential,... Socialists argue that socialism would allow for wealth to be distributed based on how much one contributes to society, as opposed to how much capital one holds.
Even if there were no unfair barriers to opportunity for individuals or groups in the labor market, unequal capability could impede what Sen sometimes calls «effective freedom» or «real opportunities
People who had unequal opportunities in convincing others in direct democracies to vote for ideas (see the first half of the answer), ALSO have the same exact unequal opportunities in convincing others to vote for their preferred representatives.
The participation gap: unequal access to the opportunities, experiences, skills, and knowledge that will prepare youth for full participation in the world of tomorrow.
This document responds to a history of colonialism and unequal education outcomes by pushing for opportunity for Māori students to succeed as Māori.
For example, before they even enter our classrooms, black and Latino students from low - income communities face an opportunity gap that affords them unequal access to schools, curricula, and teachers that promote «deeper learning» experiences and STEM dispositions.
Unequal access to opportunities for developing life skills plays a role in the over-representation of those with independent school backgrounds of the UK's top professions.
These policies undermine public education and facilitate its replacement by a market - based system that would do for schooling what the market has done for health care, housing, and employment: produce fabulous profits and opportunities for a few and unequal outcomes and access for the many....
That is what we have been doing for hundreds of years with substantially unequal and separate opportunities in education and the economy.
The author highlights numerous obstacles to achieving an equitable education system for all students: poverty, inadequate social supports, limited early childhood opportunities, re-segregation; unequal access to quality and certified teachers; low - quality curricula; differential placements in advanced and college preparatory classes, tracking of students, and dysfunctional teaching and learning environments.
Today, the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) released data that show the continued result of unequal educational opportunity for marginalized students.
Christy makes a good point - for all that there is no doubt that society is unequal, I have also often thought how that inequality does sometimes favor women - particularly the opportunity, as a woman, to be a stay at home parent without society looking down its nose.
Not only does the LPP provide a quality articling experience for those not obtaining a more «traditional» articling position, thereby eliminating the unequal training concerns for racialized lawyers, but it also provides racialized and non-racialized lawyers with an opportunity to gain experience as in - house counsel in private, public, profit, and non-profit organizations.
While demographic factors in some metros, such as a younger than average population, may be fueling unequal housing outcomes, along with a national trend that has been pointing to a gradually widening gap, there still seems to be plenty of opportunity for changes to local housing policy that could move the needle in a favorable wave for low - income groups.
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