Sentences with phrase «unexpected findings of»

Such unexpected findings of positive adaptation imply that while diagnosis does not always suggest severe functional impairment (Sack, 1995), the changeability of dysfunction does, in fact, demand further investigation into the mechanisms that promote such adjustment.
«The unexpected findings of the study by Sacks et al suggest that the concept of glycemic index is less important than previously thought, especially in the context of an overall healthy diet, as tested in this study.
One of the most impressive and unexpected findings of the study is that two of the patients who benefited from the spinal stimulation had complete motor and sensory paralysis.
An unexpected finding of the study was that the constant motion of the defects causes the average topological charge to become continuous, no longer taking only values that are multiples of one - half.
The unexpected finding of a splice variant caused some excitement in the lab, Sadee says, because, according to the literature «the short form is more inhibitory and the long form may be facilitating dopaminergic transition.
Smith's arguments are based on the unexpected finding of two small inserts of DNA in Roundup Ready soybeans but no data show that they are translated into protein (Windels P and others 2001, Rang and others 2005).
This unexpected finding of an ocean on a small moon so far from the Sun raises a distinct possibility: that there are more oceans on more moons, each with a chance for life.

Not exact matches

If you find a few striking, unexpected statistics — more power to you, as it will increase chances of people sharing the data.
The authors did not expect to find such differences, either from Theranos or the other two labs, referring to «an unexpected degree of variability within and among testing services.»
But slice the data slightly differently, and you'll find an unexpected trend: The group of business owners who are really putting stakes in the ground are women veterans.
By being aware of the opportunities right in front you - sometimes in the most unexpected places — you'll find the exact thing you need to get your business off the ground.
A 2015 report from the Federal Reserve found that nearly half of Americans wouldn't be able to afford an unexpected $ 400 expense, which means that they're ill - equipped for any surprise, much less an expensive emergency.
This sparked my search for my long lost iPod shuffle, which I ended up finding (an added and unexpected benefit of this experiment).
And in indeed the complete list of their top ten choices contains some unexpected finds:
Last week's unexpected and disturbing anti-satellite missile test illustrates how geopolitical developments always have the possibility of throwing well founded forecasts off - track.
Set aside the hand sanitizer for a moment: though prevailing office etiquette suggests sniffly coworkers are the greatest germ - carrying risk, a recent study out of Sweden finds that office design and layout has an unexpected
When the turnaround team walked in the door, it found no cash for payroll and operating expenses, broken and unrepaired equipment and machinery, cancelled customer orders from its largest customer, FBI and Department of Labor investigations and employees reeling from the unexpected death of the owner.
The financial website surveyed 1,000 Americans by phone and found that four in 10 do not have the cash on hand to manage an unexpected expense of $ 1,000.
When you consider that the Federal Reserve Board found that nearly half of all Americans don't have $ 400 saved for an emergency, it's easy to see how unexpected costs can become a real crisis.
«Slowly but surely, I've come to know both sides of Tony's life, his passion for finding ministry opportunities in unexpected places and his naturally funny, if not a bit odd, talents on camera,» Booker said.
A recent paper from the National Bureau of Economic Research studied what happens to scientific subfields when star researchers die suddenly and at the peak of their abilities, and finds that while there is considerable evidence that young researchers are reluctant to challenge scientific superstars, a sudden and unexpected death does not significantly improve the situation, particularly when «key collaborators of the star are in a position to channel resources (such as editorial goodwill or funding) to insiders.»
The film's plot takes some unexpected twist, but at the heart of the historical epic is De Niro's quest to find forgiveness.
High - grade decision is only necessary when the multiplicity of data can not find a compatible integration into one satisfaction on a lower level; i.e., in an unexpected gap between hand and food.
Here we observe a group of people with deep differences finding unexpected areas of agreement, and surprising friendships developing amid those remaining differences.»
Usually it will pay the student to look up such passages in their Old Testament context, for they will be found often to throw unexpected light upon the meaning of New Testament ideas.
So while the Bible starts at this point, it goes on to show that hope takes on a new and unexpected quality as man finds himself addressed by the Word of God and called to the life of faith.
«A considerable number of families are finding it difficult to budget for these three main essentials of food, housing and utilities, and to cover the unexpected or irregular costs, such as children's shoes, that inevitably arise,» it said.
Having changed to working part time this year I have found one of the unexpected bonuses is having time to care, think about, catch up with, help out, friends, family, people.
I am regularly surprised by how many members of Jesus» tribe we find in unexpected places — especially on the street among the street people.
And I also know that by 2:42 a.m. when all has been restored and babies are sleeping again and the window is cracked open for a bit of fresh air, when we are back in our bed and quietly groaning at how over-the-puking-thing we both are by now, it's then, when he reaches out for me and moves the hair back off my neck before resting his calloused hands on the baby still growing within me, when the baby rolls up against his palm, and he whispers, «hey, you» quietly, it's in that moment that I think the love we make or find or reimagine at the unexpected moments is still the sweetest.
The New York Times best - selling book Freakonomics was a hit because it was written by «a rogue economist exploring the hidden side of everything» and Peter Thiel, in his best - selling book Zero to One, says «successful people find value in unexpected places.»
The Chicago Tribune: «The Nativity» heads to troubled Englewood A noted African - American theater company is moving its popular show about the discovery of Jesus in a manger, staging it in the poor, violence - stricken Englewood neighborhood to illustrate how hope can be found in unexpected places.
Scientists in Egypt recently used a high - tech scanning technology to get an idea of what's inside The Great Pyramid of Giza and found something unexpected: A...
Today, the death of God experience in its second coming is less like Angela Lansbury finding an unexpected corpse on Sunday night in her kitchen and more like the murderer who put the corpse there in the first....
I'm reformed — but I'm no robot — I love the adventure, the journey, the unexpected turns, the people that come in and out of your life, the treasures you find unexpectedly and the deep learning you go through in times of pain and trouble.
Consider this... a person goes to college, gets a four year degree in archaeology (or some antiquities preservation analog); spends summers sifting through sand and rock and gravel, all the while taking graduate level classes... person eventually obtains the vaunted PhD in archaeology... then works his / her tail off seeking funding for an archeological excavation, with the payoff being more funding, and more opportunities to dig in the dirt... do you think professional archaeologists are looking hard for evidence of the Exodus on a speculative basis... not a chance... they know their PhD buys them nothing more than a job at Tel Aviv Walmart if they don't discover and publish... so they write grants for digs near established sites / communities, and stay employed sifting rock in culturally safe areas... not unless some shepard stumbles upon a rare find in an unexpected place do you get archeological interest and action in remote places... not at all surprising that the pottery and other evidence of the Exodus and other biblical events lie waiting to be discovered... doesn't mean not there... just not found yet...
In 2012 the lines between the sacred and the profane will get even more blurry: Scientists will religiously maintain their search for the elusive God particle (they won't find it); evangelical sports superhero and Denver Bronco quarterback Tim Tebow will continue to be both an inspiration to the faithful and an object of scorn to skeptics (he will be watching, not playing in, the Super Bowl); at least one well - known religious leader or leading religious politician will be brought down by a sex scandal (let's hope all our leaders have learned a lesson from former Rep. Anthony Weiner and stay away from sexting); and the «nones» - those who don't identify with one religion - will grow even more numerous and find religious meanings in unexpected places (what TV show will become this season's «Lost»?)
First of all, many times I'm considering an idea and I've found through my search for truths in scripture, the Spirit always reaffirms, in a timely manner, my ponderings through another person in either in a sermon, another writing, or an unexpected source.
However, it is not necessarily in the realm of intellectual endeavor — monumental though Hindu contributions in this field may be — certainly not merely in this realm, that one would seek and find unexpected treasures.
Scientists in Egypt recently used a high - tech scanning technology to get an idea of what's inside The Great Pyramid of Giza and found something unexpected: A previously hidden chamber deep inside the structure.
When First Things was founded more than twenty years ago, movement conservatism was delighted by the unexpected, vigorous, and electorally significant entry of religiously conservative Christians into the public square.
The briny, sour vibes of this sandwich led to find me a pleasantly unexpected partner in La Crema's 2015 Monterey Pinot Noir.
The moment I laid eyes on it while roaming the eyes of Home Goods (I find so many unexpected finds there!)
With an extensive list of innovative recipes rotating throughout their taps, you are sure to find a unique beer that challenges your taste buds with unexpected ingredients and flavors.
Other than the intended production of provitamin A in the grains, GR2E Golden Rice was found to be compositionally equivalent to conventional rice and there were no observed unintended, unexpected, changes in nutrient composition as a result of the genetic modification process.
Canned Wine Is the Drink of Summer 2017 In the past year, Hong Lieu Tada, a San Francisco stay - at - home mom, has found a slew of unexpected places to drink wine: She has snuck her favorite vino into hotel rooms and sipped it on the beach in Hawaii...
He has the ability to put together unexpected flavor combinations, and he's just the sort of person I like to turn to when I need someone to yank me out of one of those occasional culinary ruts every cook finds themselves in.
I was brainstorming other ideas when it happened... I pulled the chia seed pudding out of the fridge, stuck a spoon in and found something unexpected: it turned into chocolate mousse.
This set the stage for his life's most recognized work, the founding of a brand - new vodka from one of the most unexpected places in the world, France — a country which Frank famously said «has the best of everything».
In an ordinary tank season for the big club, it's kind of an unexpected thrill to find a Knicks club in the role of favorite for the play - offs.
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