Sentences with phrase «unexplained fatigue»

Poor Memory: This symptom is in direct correlation with unexplained fatigue.
Another common symptom of hyperthyroidism is excessive energy, mixed with periods of unexplained fatigue.
Between October 2008 and December 2009, healthcare providers practicing in Bibb County, GA referred adolescents and adults 12 - 59 years old who met criteria for unexplained fatiguing illness (fatigue for > 1 month), and having at least one other core CFS symptom during that period (unrefreshing sleep, problems with cognition or memory, joint or muscle pain in extremities), and did not have an exclusionary medical or psychiatric condition.
All subjects were 18 — 54 years old (median = 43) and underwent a careful history and physical examination by an expert experienced in evaluating patients with medically unexplained fatigue and pain.
According to a study published in Psychosomatic Medicine, people who are depressed are more than four times as likely to develop unexplained fatigue while those who suffer from fatigue are almost three times as likely to develop depression.
One explanation could be chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS), which is characterized by extreme, unexplained fatigue on a daily basis.
A 2003 study in the British Medical Journal found that non-anaemic women who suffered from unexplained fatigue found an improvement in symptoms after taking iron (2).
However, some symptoms like unexplained fatigue, intolerance to cold is direct indicators of the disease.
It is recommended to detox for symptoms such as unexplained fatigue, sluggish elimination, irritated skin, allergies or low - grade infections; bags under the eyes; digestive disorders, menstrual difficulties; frequent headaches or mental confusion.
Women can use testosterone to treat lost libido and sexual desire and to overcome unexplained fatigue.
If you find yourself experiencing constant unexplained fatigue, an iron deficiency may be to blame.
Frustrated with being told «everything looks fine» with unexplained fatigue or weight gain?
Unexplained fatigue or thirst are both signs that you may have been successful in getting pregnant while breastfeeding.
Lately, gluten is being blamed for weight gain, digestive issues, bloating, unexplained fatigue and other diseases caused by inflammation.
Got weight gain or unexplained fatigue?
Unexplained Fatigue: We all get exhausted at some point.
Symptoms do vary, but common signs include abdominal pain, abdominal bloating, excessive flatulence, constipation and / or diarrhea, decreased mental concentration, joint pain and unexplained fatigue to name a few.
Be sure to hydrate vigorously, as dehydration is the most common reason for failing and experiencing symptoms like lightheadedness, nausea, and unexplained fatigue.
Unexplained fatigue and feeling faint during physical activities are signs that a heart condition may be present.
However, it can also cause other symptoms - changes in appetite, pawing at the face, irritability, unexplained fatigue and generalized depression.
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