Sentences with phrase «unfaithful people»

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We remember that one aspect of the Warrior God remained constant in the prophets and in the teaching of Jesus: God's antagonistic warfare against his rebellious and unfaithful people.
Over weeks of compiling evidence and video footage of the suspecting cheater, «Cheaters» and their client would carry out a surprise visit catching out the unfaithful person with cameras rolling and evidence beamed into millions of house - holds worldwide.
Sometimes we have to face the fact that the unfaithful person may never choose to be truthful.
The silver lining to such high - cost behaviors for you, the unfaithful person, is that they will make you a better person.
High - cost behaviors are the bedrock of the trust - building phase that squarely falls on the shoulders of the unfaithful person.

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Soon after they announced their break up, people on social media began speculating that Pratt had been unfaithful to Faris with co-star Jennifer Lawrence, something that the two had denied fervently in the past.
27 When he has made her drink the water, then it shall come about, if she has defiled herself and has been unfaithful to her husband, that the water which brings a curse will go into her [r] and cause bitterness, and her abdomen will swell and her thigh will [s] waste away, and the woman will become a curse among her people.
These were of course poor precedents, since no clear - headed person had ever argued that women should not be ordained because being a woman was a sin, while many thoughtful people had noticed that the shift toward increasing tolerance of divorce had been at best sloppy and at worst downright unfaithful.
Here, just for fun, I will fill in the blanks with things I have heard over the years: «All second marriages are of Satan»; «All blacks are proud and arrogant; otherwise, they would return to being called Negro»; «All bisexuals are promiscuous and unfaithful in marriages»; «Pro-choice people are always turning their backs on God»; «Same sex marriages can never be blessed by God's mercy»....
A There are people in media with faith, but I do think there's a big gap in worldview between left and right, faithful and unfaithful.
In the book of Hosea, God uses the analogy of a husband's relentless pursuit of a sexually unfaithful bride to illustrate the depth of His own passion and commitment to His people.
«My goal with this book,» he writes, «is to assure people of faith that they do not need to feel anxious, disloyal, unfaithful, dirty, scared, or outcast for engaging these questions of the Bible, interrogating it, not liking some of it, exploring what it really says, and discerning like adult readers what we can learn from it in our own journey of faith... We respect the Bible most when we let it be what it is and learn from it rather than combing out the tangles to make it presentable.»
Imagine if those people who anticipated being most romantically satisfied by committed sexual exclusivity began identifying as «faithfuls,» while those who were usually most excited by the prospect of unbounded sexual promiscuity started identifying as «unfaithfuls
Second, there probably will not be very many unfaithful sheep because the persecutions of the antichrist make it very difficult for many people to become believers during that time.
The covenant people of the northern kingdom have proven unfaithful.
It is a model of Judaism: of a system, of a people rejected by Cod, unfaithful to God, rejecting Christ, opposed to Christianity, and caught up in a trail of crimes which culminates in deicide.
For he was elected triumphantly a year ago at least partly, and maybe even mainly, because he was seen by a vast majority of the people as a defender of law and principle and established institutions and the moral order, and he is condemned now precisely because his Administration is now seen to have been unfaithful to the moral order he was elected to defend.
«They were the ones who followed Balaam's advice and enticed the Israelites to be unfaithful to the Lord in the Peor incident, so that a plague struck the Lord's people.
Going back to the Old Testament the covenant referred to the bond that God establishes with his people, an utterly faithful and unbreakable bond described in terms of a nuptial relationship in which even if the people of Israel are unfaithful, God is always faithful.
27 If she has defiled herself and been unfaithful to her husband, then when she is made to drink the water that brings a curse, it will go into her and cause bitter suffering; her abdomen will swell and her thigh waste away, and she will become accursed among her people.
Despite the efforts of the prophets, the people were often unfaithful to God.
Wouldn't it be to our best interest — not to mention the interest of any potential children we might have — to weed out those people who will end up being unfaithful or love us and leave us?
Some people simply call it being unfaithful or cheating as well.
It's easy to see the dilemmas of setting up experiments that enable and encourage people to be unfaithful!
The latest book by Michele Weiner - Davis discusses the devastation people feel upon discovering their spouse has been unfaithful.
Most people who have been unfaithful do not believe it when their partner says they forgive them.
But lots of us do love it because some people already have relationships and don't want to be unfaithful (despite some obvious problems they value their partners and don't want to part) and others just want to have something funny and easy.
In the Kinsey Institute study, 16 % of impoverished or lower - income people said they had been unfaithful, compared with 24 % among higher earners.
When confronted with questions of the morality of offering such a service, Vedal contends that his site, Victoria Milan, did not create infidelity; people choose to be unfaithful long before they sign up for the site.
However you meet people, there is always the possibility that they will turn out to be unfaithful, irresponsible or flaky.
For instance, with the rise in usage of social media and dating websites, it is even simpler for unfaithful partners to meet new people to date even though my husband goes on dating sites attached.
Although both Jacob and Anna are sexually involved with other people, why do they each appear to be hurt when the other one is unfaithful?
With such a short run time they manage to stuff in a covered up work accident that results in a death, a man that owes the mafia, an unsatisfied and unfaithful wife, a man that isn't local because that matters to these people, a beloved writer with a drinking problem, and a neighborhood filled with caring people one minute, hateful violent ones the next.
Whether or not one has personally been unfaithful to a romantic partner, one almost certainly knows people who have been.
My husband and I have an agreement: If either one of us is unfaithful to our marriage vows that person walks away with nothing.
If one person in the marriage is proven to be unfaithful at any point in time, their prenuptial agreement can state that their share of the marriage's assets is forfeited.
The latest book by Michele Weiner - Davis discusses the devastation people feel upon discovering their spouse has been unfaithful.
All other research on sexual infidelity asks people to reconstruct from memory what happened before the act of betrayal occurred, but Rusbult can actually predict which couples will be sexually unfaithful.
Infidelity and deception are becoming more prevalent, maybe even in a person who might not have thought of being unfaithful before.
I was unfaithful at times all through social media and never did anything with anyone in person.
Many people who end up in an emotional affair didn't set out to be unfaithful, writes psychiatrist Gail Salz, M.D., in «Emotional Affairs 101» on
The other thing people often want to know is how many college students have ever been sexually unfaithful to a partner.
People in consensual non-monogamous relationships were more likely to use condoms and discuss STI testing with their other sex partners and were less likely to be under the influence of drugs or alcohol during these encounters than unfaithful monogamous people.2 In her recent presentation at IARR, Amy Moors suggested that people can engage in relationships without sexual or romantic exclusivity and still be securely attached — a finding that challenges the notions that consensual non-monogamous relationships are inherently untrusting or unmeaninPeople in consensual non-monogamous relationships were more likely to use condoms and discuss STI testing with their other sex partners and were less likely to be under the influence of drugs or alcohol during these encounters than unfaithful monogamous people.2 In her recent presentation at IARR, Amy Moors suggested that people can engage in relationships without sexual or romantic exclusivity and still be securely attached — a finding that challenges the notions that consensual non-monogamous relationships are inherently untrusting or unmeaninpeople.2 In her recent presentation at IARR, Amy Moors suggested that people can engage in relationships without sexual or romantic exclusivity and still be securely attached — a finding that challenges the notions that consensual non-monogamous relationships are inherently untrusting or unmeaninpeople can engage in relationships without sexual or romantic exclusivity and still be securely attached — a finding that challenges the notions that consensual non-monogamous relationships are inherently untrusting or unmeaningful.3
It is also vital to be transparent about your relationships with other people so that it never appears as though you are unfaithful.
People in consensual non-monogamous relationships were more likely to use condoms and discuss STI testing with their other sex partners and were less likely to be under the influence of drugs or alcohol during these encounters than unfaithful monogamous people.2 In her recent presentation at IARR, Amy Moors suggested that people can engage in relationships without sexual or romantic exclusivity and still be securely attached - a finding that challenges the notions that consensual non-monogamous relationships are inherently untrusting or unmeaninPeople in consensual non-monogamous relationships were more likely to use condoms and discuss STI testing with their other sex partners and were less likely to be under the influence of drugs or alcohol during these encounters than unfaithful monogamous people.2 In her recent presentation at IARR, Amy Moors suggested that people can engage in relationships without sexual or romantic exclusivity and still be securely attached - a finding that challenges the notions that consensual non-monogamous relationships are inherently untrusting or unmeaninpeople.2 In her recent presentation at IARR, Amy Moors suggested that people can engage in relationships without sexual or romantic exclusivity and still be securely attached - a finding that challenges the notions that consensual non-monogamous relationships are inherently untrusting or unmeaninpeople can engage in relationships without sexual or romantic exclusivity and still be securely attached - a finding that challenges the notions that consensual non-monogamous relationships are inherently untrusting or unmeaningful.3
There are many reasons why people are unfaithful to their partners, but one possibility is that cheating may seem like a more acceptable behavior for us to engage in if we think it's commonplace and widely accepted.
There Won't Be a Second Chance The person who is unfaithful must put an end to the affair and end all contact with his or her lover.
To test this idea, the researchers randomly assigned people to be either «faithful» or «unfaithful» in four different lab experiments.
In the University of Michigan study, one of the strongest findings was that people believed non-monogamous couples to be more sexually risky.1 A subsequent online survey revealed, however, that people who are unfaithful in a monogamous relationship are more sexually risky than those who practice consensual non-monogamy.
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