Sentences with phrase «unfortunate series of events»

So yes, with the right unfortunate series of events, a water pump failure can result in coolant in the oil.
The studio is producing a film adaptation of Judith Viorst's children's book «Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day,» which follows Alexander as he makes his way through a truly unfortunate series of events — everything from getting gum in his hair to finding nothing but people kissing on TV.
Third, it sounds like they had a rather tumultuous relationship that climaxed in an unfortunate series of events.
Just an unfortunate series of events.
That can't be any kind of a good feeling for the Tigers, who were clearly displeased with this unfortunate series of events.
An unfortunate series of events has finally allowed scientists to test social learning's importance.
M. Night Shyamalan's 2000 superhero movie Unbreakable is the rare film that's still cool to like, even if it wasn't a commercial or critical smash on its original release, but due to an unfortunate series of events that can only be described as «his next few movies,» Shyamalan has had trouble recreating that level of...
He was also the only one who could reverse the unfortunate series of events.
Due to her poor health and an unfortunate series of events, she lost the upper part of her beak, breaking it off so close to her face that it will not re-grow.
In an unfortunate series of events for Sega, the playable demo for upcoming action - adventure game Yakuza 6: The Song of Life has been removed from the U.S. PlayStation Store, as it had become apparent that some players could gain access to the entire game for free.
In an unfortunate series of events for Sega, the playable demo for upcoming action - adventure game Yakuza 6: The Song of Life has been removed from the U.S. PlayStation Store, as it had become apparent...
If — through some unfortunate series of events — your life lacks a copy of one of the best Zelda games to have graced our shelves, you can rectify this right now with a digital copy of Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3D on 3DS (shockingly enough) for a mere $ 16.
The PHCA Board offers this timeline below as a simplified way for our members to understand an unfortunate series of events:
While everything may be going great at the moment, all it takes is an unfortunate series of events to turn your world upside down.
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