Sentences with phrase «unfortunate tags on itself»

Its diverse national accolades have in the past and recent years, been contrasted with very unfortunate tags on itself.

Not exact matches

The Bellas are on the down - and - out due to an unfortunate puking incident at finals, which means that the only way back up is to assemble a rag - tag team of misfits that have hidden singing talents that will emerge to win the day.
«It's unfortunate that the district has signaled a willingness to try and resolve our many disputes, and we have also shown a willingness to not take any raise and try and work on the things that don't have a price tag,» he said.
Speaking of price, it's unfortunate the price tag is so high for this iteration of Frogger because while on the surface it looks like you get a lot for your money, the fun just isn't there.
This term is the unfortunate, prevailing tag on the Steam Store to categorize these games despite the lack of the formal elements that typically comprise simulator games: a focus on hyperrealism in mechanics to mimic real - world equivalents like operating an aircraft, a simulacrum of situations and settings from the everyday world, quantifiable systems that can be learned and predicted, and so on.
However, the execution on the audio side doesn't quite do enough to justify the premium price tag, which is very unfortunate.
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