Sentences with phrase «unhealthy food environment»

There are alarming concerns about the unhealthy food environment at secondary schools, compromising pupils» ability to make good food choices.
With nearly 17 percent (12.5 million) of America's children now clinically obese and a staggering 32 percent overweight, the time is long past to address the unhealthy food environments our children live in.
«With nearly 17 percent of America's children now clinically obese and a staggering 32 percent overweight, the time is long past to address the unhealthy food environments our children live in.»

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Money spent last year on junk food advertising in the UK far outweighs the amount Government is able to spend on healthy eating campaigns, leading to an unbalanced environment pushing us towards unhealthy choices, according to new analysis by the Obesity Health Alliance (OHA).
On one hand, we need to acknowledge that individuals bear some responsibility for their health, and on the other hand recognise that today's food environments exploit people's biological (eg, innate preference for sweetened foods), psychological (eg, marketing techniques), and social and economic (eg, convenience and cost) vulnerabilities, making it easier for them to eat unhealthy foods,» explains Dr Christina Roberto, from the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, USA.
When you bathe your genes in an unhealthy environment, like the one created when you eat junk food, your genes «miscue» metabolic actions that can trigger disease.
«You can restructure your home environment to protect yourself from unhealthy food and a sedentary lifestyle, «says Sherry Pagoto, PhD, associate professor of medicine in the division of preventative and behavioral medicine at the University of Massachusetts Medical School.
When we eat processed foods with high sugar content and unhealthy trans fats we are creating an environment that denies nutrients such as plant polysaccharides to beneficial microbes.
Let's be honest, we live in an environment that is increasingly unhealthy, with pesticides in our food, polluted water, unsafe air and harmful exposure to electronic devices.
During the past decade, the popularity of super foods has been growing, as more and more people are looking for ways to combat the effects of our increasingly toxic environment, bad diet habits, unhealthy lifestyle choices and the stress of modern living.
Reducing our reliance on plastic products just makes good sense for the environment and our health, especially when you consider that some plastic products can actually leech unhealthy chemicals into your food.
In this modern environment of industrially processed toxic foods, following our innate food preferences may easily lead us to eat unhealthy diets.
Unhealthy activities, like eating the wrong foods or not getting enough rest, or excessive stress create a toxic environment in the body.
Making good foods easier to see and access and making unhealthy foods harder to get to lies at the core of a healthier eating environment.
The incidence of food refusal is higher in children raised in an unhealthy family environment [15].
The importance of healthy lifestyles is repeatedly mentioned but there is relatively little discussion of addressing the structural, political and commercial determinants of health that entrench an unhealthy food supply, inactivity - promoting environments and our bombardment by unhealthy marketing.
Ali plans to tweet on current legal issues in the food environment — should we restrict junk food advertising to children, tax or ban unhealthy foods and drinks, put nutrition info on menus and make health stars mandatory in supermarkets?
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